March 18, 2008
This time 6 years ago I was probably calling my work (Deseret First Credit Union) and telling them that I wasn't feeling to good and wouldn't be in for work, pretty much used and abused the pregnancy, going to have a baby in a week, excuse...In reality, I had started into the first stage of labor, but I didn't know THAT at the time. We started timing my contractions the night before and they were about 10-20 minutes apart. So I just KNEW it was false labor so I didn't worry too much! I remember I slept REALLY good that night for some reason...maybe it was my bodies way of letting me know I was about to have the biggest and LONGEST workout of my life! I had attended Bradley Classes for natural birthing and MountainSport Man and I decided together that I was going to have a go at doing it natural. I wasn't against the epidural...I just wanted to try the best that I could to do it without anything. Lisa, my older sister, had all of her kids natural and I couldn't let her out do me! I'm not going to go into detail about DCar's birth, but I do want to say that it was one of the GREATEST most REWARDING experiences of my life...and guess what...I did it ALL natur.a.l. BABY!!! I had read everything I could about the process of birth, I had taken the classes, and I was ready mentally to have my baby. The birth was actually text book...I can honestly say it wasn't the WORST pain I have ever been in, but it was definitely the MOST exhausting thing I have ever done! I went into the hospital around 4:00pm and had DCar somewhere around 10:00pm! I remember the orange juice I had after having was the best ORANGE JUICE I have ever tasted...and have ever tasted since! I also remember vividly right after DCar joined the earth and the certified nurse that birthed my baby handed him to me and I remember thinking, "He is so perfect..." I was amazed that he had all of his fingers and toes! He was so beautiful...and he had the most perfect little round cone head...I pushed him out fast...but I am paying for that now...if you don't know what I mean than be glad because you probably don't have them! :)
I decided I wanted to show you the last 5 years of birthdays we have had with DCar! DCar from the beginning has been a mellow child! He loves people! He loves ALL of his RELATIVES. He has a knack of making you feel like you are the most special person to him! We love him so much and I am so glad that my Father in Heaven blessed and trusted me with his incredible spirit! Happy Birthday little man!
March 18, 2002-Hours old!
Wrapped up snuggly...he was so beautiful! And I don't think I'm being partial!
1 Year OLD
This was his 1st Birthday...this is when we lived at Grandma and Grandpa Kolb's and we stuffed into their downstairs bedroom!
This was him eating his 1st cake! He hated getting dirty. NOw he doesn't have a problem with it! He's all boy!
2 Years OLD
This is his 2nd birthday! We were finally in our own home!
3 Years OLD

Happy 4th Birthday! That we celebrated in Disneyland!!! Lucky boy! HE brought his cousin Zak along! We had so much fun!
5 Years OLD
He got to have his first "friends" birthday party! He had to choose only old as he was! WE took them to fiesta fun and partied!
We finished the party off at the park and opened presents!
I will post tomorrow about this year's fun and festivities! He gets to go on a date with Mom and Dad and just US...and he gets to pick what we do! Scary!