I have asked myself this a lot lately. So when IS enough, ya know, enough? I told you I would bring up the subject of putting our kids in too many activities...but not putting them in any at all seems a bit harsh also...right?
I find myself torn a little. I understand the whole concept of putting a child into too many activites that they aren't able to be, well, a child! I understand that fully I do. But I also feel that we are doing a disservice to our children if we don't introduce them to things that could potentially make their life fuller!
I was talking to a woman, whose opinion I hold very high, a few weeks ago. She was saying that she wasn't going to put her child into one of the Charter schools down here because she doesn't feel that sending a child home with hours of homework is doing the child any good. She said these words, "When my kids get home I have my OWN agenda for them...my OWN education to feed them. It may not consist of books and things of a scholastic nature, but they consist of things just as important, things like piano and violin lessons, dance, and extracurricular activites such as sports! Doesn't that education equal that of scholarly education?" (I'm paraphrasing here...she said a lot more and way more eloquently!)

I truly agree with her. They have 7 hours of scholastic learning, regulary, in a day. Why must they also come home and add more hours to that?
I know that dancing as much as I did after school, kept me out of A LOT of trouble. Not that I didn't find myself in trouble now and again. I just know that because of my LOVE of it I didn't mind the time that I put towards it as I got older.
I do, however, remember when I was young...How I rebelled at having to go to dance instead of playing with my neighbor friends. Don't get me wrong...I played and had free time quite a bit when I was younger...but I also danced A LOT. As I got older I was put in gymnastics and piano. I can honestly say that I HATED interrupting my play schedule to go to these things, but I loved it while I was there. It's funny how that worked.
When I got a little older I dared to ask my Mom if I could add ONE more thing to my hectic schedule...luckily she believed in the keep-a-child-busy-to-keep-them-out-of-trouble philosophy and agreed to let me play soccer...but if it conflicted with anything...I was to choose Dance first, then piano, then gymnastics, then soccer. Lucky for me...they didn't conflict TOO often...I had coaches that were able to work practices around my schedule that didn't affect anyone else on the team...seriously, I was incredibly lucky...because I LOVED TO PLAY !
Anyhow...I know how keeping me busy affected my life! But I realize that there needs to be discretion and priority handled by the parent. I understand that my child is still young...that if I involve him or her in TOO much that I am being, in a way, abusive to them. I need to choose what would best serve his NEEDS and WANTS and figure how they will work with mine...because I'm selfish like that...for example, I LOVE SOCCER and want my children to play...so they don't have a choice in that right now, but as they get older...if I don't see the drive and passion and they absolutely don't want to play...then I will let them choose whatever path they decide. :( However sad that may make me!
What are children if we can't live A LITTLE through them? I kid, I kid...a little.
So what are your feelings? Do you believe that getting your child INVOLVED with a lot of things can be damaging to them? Or do you feel that it is okay and healthy. Is there an age limit to start these sorts of things...can you add on as they get older or should you take away?
I believe that getting them involved is healthy...I think you have to assess (thanks Kritta for reminding me that I wasn't talking about butt's 'asses', I was indeed meaning assess! lol) your child first and know, as a parent, what you think they can handle. Take away if necessary...and when it all comes down to it...as long as the child is loving what they are involved in...then there is NO wrong, in my mind, of letting them continue in what makes them happy! There is always that added bonus of them staying out of trouble because they are either involved or too exhausted to try! :)