Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Is this weird to you? and Timeless Tuesday...

May 13, 2008
Sometimes your kids do different things that you stop and think...where the heck did they get that from? Well, about a year ago, when we took the sippy cup and Binki away from PeePs, and she took that step up from infant stage to toddler stage aka Terrible Two's; PeePs started showing, well, different behavior...you have to see it to believe it...I mean, where they HECK did she get this from???

This is PeePs...with her adorable smile...just about to take a drink, but she has to smile to Mom right before, well, because I demand it..."Hey PeePs, sssmmiiilllee"...so she does, because she knows I won't let up! She's smart like that...
Then she takes a drink...just an everyday, sip of the drink...but this is not where the strange part is (yes that IS dirt under her nails because she has an older brother who digs in the dirt EVERYDAY and a Dad that pulls weeds and digs in the dirt EVERYDAY...so she gets dirt in her fingernails...and when its Saturday, she gets to run around, carefree, in whatever outfit she chooses...and that is usually her swimming suit, and...ummm...no bath, sorry if that offends you)

K-she is finishing the drink...here it comes...

She does this...

still going...

15 seconds later (okay maybe NOT 15 seconds, but it seems like it)...still going...and starting to lose air...then she starts to look...ummm...different

Still going...about to pass out because she has run out of air!!!

Strange right? I have never seen that before. Grandma Viv swears that my sister-in-law use to do something similar...so is it genetic? Do your kids do this?

I usually chuckle the whole time she is doing it...and when she is done she is GASPING for air...and a part of me, like a little teeny, weeny, part of me, feels guilty because it seems somewhat traumatic for her...

Each time she takes a drink of that wonderful, cold, liquid, to soothe her parched, dry, throat...she has to go through holding her breath..

I relate it to when I was first being taught how to swim. I remember the swim instructor would say, "Okay Shelle, now put your chin to your chest, take a deep breath, and pump your legs as fast as you can, remember to do BIG wind mill arms, and swim all the way over to ME...don't stop until you have reached me!"

As I pushed off the wall, full force, and kicked my legs as fast as I could, keeping my eyes open, and holding my breath, I would swim. I would swim and swim, telling myself that I wouldn't give up, because if I did, I was sure to drown, because I couldn't touch and heck if I knew how to tread water at the ripe ol' age of 4...

so I would kill myself, by holding my breath, trying to reach my teacher without coming up for air...and as soon as I would get close to her...you know what she would do?...She would start to back away, she was heartless, and I just knew that my life was over...that I would die right there without the joy and feeling of wonderful, sweet, air rushing through my lungs...

Then by HIS sweet mercy, I would reach my teacher and come up for air GASPING!!! I would swear each time after we left swim lessons that I was NEVER going back...that I hated them, and that they were TRYING to drown me!!!

If that is what my daughter has to go through EVERYTIME she takes a drink...I feel for her...I do...yet, I chuckle and laugh, because it's just so dang cute...and funny!

And in her best Old New York Gansta voice I can hear her say, "Yea, so what? Whatcha goin' do 'bout it?"

This is who I gotten woken up by...bed hair and all!!!

Songs I wish I could play on the guitar: "Your Guardian Angel"-Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

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