Most of you already probably KNOW Annette Lyon...she runs around in my same crowd...or THIS crowd...or you might know her from her INCREDIBLE writing talent because she is a published LDS author, just check THIS out and THIS out and MORE!
And she is my friend right now, but I fully expect to meet her in Real life I consider her one of my close friends. I say that mainly because she has this quirky fascination with words (I love how she corrects Mormon missteps, for those of you that don't understand how we SAY things )and grammar, and although I SUCK at grammar, I LOVE words and the dictionary and everything nerdy to go along with that!

But I'm still going to tell you a little of what I got out of it...because when I read a book I get wrapped entirely in it! Which is why, since I was a young girl, reading books has been the one thing in life that has been consistent. It's what I do when I'm happy, sad, or angry! It's my escape!
And before blogging, it was my ONLY escape!
I still read at least three to four books a week...ranging from romance to self-help...
SO you get it right? I LOVE to read.
And Annette's book is about two people, Tabitha and Samuel, who you immediately fall in love with because they are so easily relatable. They are at different points in grieving their loved spouses...but they BOTH rely heavily on their faith in the Gospel as they continue on and find something in EACH other that they need and want.
Tabitha is a single MOM...trying to make it in a time when women didn't have a lot of choices to support themselves, yet Annette finds a way for Tabitha to support herself, although she does have to overcome some challenges along the way, you understand her strength and need as a woman and you can easily see yourself in Tabitha.
I don't want to give too much away, but I LOVE this part and it shows the strength in Annette's writing because I latched on to this paragraph it made me feel something, I just loved it, she writes:
"Life wasn't safe. It wasn't peaceful or predictable or any such nonsense. She had had to be on guard, ready to withstand whatever blows the world had to offer. Allowing herself to feel secure would only erode those walls she had built up to protect herself.
But she wanted those walls to crumble. not entirely--just a chink here and there."
K-I don't want to give away what this leads to...but I totally related to Tabitha's train of thought, her sorrow, her happiness, her as a mother.
Samuel is from London...need I say more? You guys KNOW how I feel about that accent? lol! But his character is everything charming and gentlemanly, in my mind the accent helps all of that, but it was nice to delve into his character...he's not a VAMPIRE, but he has the OLD WORLD charm about him that makes him desirable all the same in my mind.

Annette Lyon, Utah’s 2007 Best of State medalist for fiction, has been
writing for most of her life. While she’s found success in freelance
magazine work and editing, her true passion is fiction. In 1995, she
graduated cum laude from BYU with a BA in English. Her university
focus on 19th-century literature proved beneficial years later while
writing historical temple novels. Her fifth novel, Spires of Stone, was a
2007 Whitney Award finalist.
When she’s not writing, Annette enjoys spending time with her
husband and their four children. She also loves reading, knitting, and
chocolate—not necessarily in that order.
Readers may contact her via her website,
***All I'm asking you to do is comment about one can she include ME in her next NOVEL?