WOW...what a big day in history!
I mean, I CAN'T believe it actually happened...that this is ALL for real!!!
That I can actually live and be a part of something so EXTREMELY big...
My first day sober from feeling guilty about food I eat.
What? You thought I was talking about our 44th president of the United States being sworn in?
Yea, guess that is pretty monumental also.
But anyway, I put HONEY on my Raisan Bran today and almost felt guilty about it...but if you have seen the BEE movie. You will KNOW...honey is good for the WHOLE earth...and I contributed to that today. I feel SO good about myself!
Now...I haven't eaten anything else today. But already I'm off to a good start.
My gym pass, as I found out yesterday on my way in to Pilates, has expired. That puts a MINOR dent into my NEW self, because I went home and ate some leftover Halloween Candy, because thanks to HER(Shannon) and her comment in my comments, I remembered where it was...but that should be easily fixed and I can be on my way to a better me!
It was nice to read everybody else's vices...I mean, I'm not going to lie, it made me REALLY hungry, but I endured. Annette and Heidi both have my Donuts vice...and Kristina P. and Wixom Zoo have a problem because ANYTHING with sugar makes them feel guilty...poor things, they must feel guilty ALL THE TIME. Not April though, she allows herself two TWIX's a night. Yea, ummm, my body wouldn't allow me to do that...lucky girl!
STEPH--she has a good thing going, she gets a WHOLE bag of CHOCOLATE CHIPS and eats a few here and a few there...does it count if I eat a few here and a few there and finish the bag a FEW hours later? HMMM...Sara doesn't even THINK chocolate is a guilt food, she believes SALAD is...a girl from my own heart!
Amanda, Nutty Hamster Chick, Kelly, and This Mom--all have something in common...they LOVE In-N-Out (Not April, she doesn't really even like hamburgers...what the what?) and I am going to venture and say they all at one time lived near an In-N-Out and then moved far away from one. I guess I take those things for granted...suckas!!! But it helps me in a way that I WON'T feel guilty eating one for the sake of THEM! Love ya GUYS! Tiff well she just likes anything FAST food...I feel her pain..she also hides the evidence and so does BINKS' "friend" (totally funniest comment of the day!).
Aubrey loves her some McD French Fries...I mean, WHO DOESN'T, Mama Belle and Wendy (who thinks skinny people are on cocaine) doesn't even specify...they just likes French Fries period, but I have to agree with Aubs...I like the McD ones and the ones from Red Robin, just saying!!!
Clan of Cave Hair and Crash--they both agree that pop is the thing to feel guilty over...it just hurts my throat. Crash admits though that she doesn't really eat a lot of crap! Hello, we are trying to be supportive of one another, NOT try to one up each other Crash...you are lucky you are my twin or I would have to do what I did to BLOGGING MAMA and cyber space DROP kick you because she stood up and ADMITTED she was skinny and could eat ANYTHING she wanted!!! Can you believe? I mean...social etiquette is clear on this one, that you SYMPATHIZE with the majority...sheesh!!!
Don't worry you two...I don't think you are on cocaine...I just am jealous and envious of you guys behind your back...I do the same with my friend in REAL life, Brooke...she's WAY skinny, but healthy...crazy!
Now Kritta--she has to go and mention a guilty food that I have never heard of...which is UNHEARD of...Muddy Buddies? Anyway, I expect when I meet her in Real Life that she has a bunch of those ready for me to try...did you write that down Kritta? Don't want to chance you forgetting or something!
Well, I'm one day down, and can't believe how GREAT it feels to get all of my addictions out on cyber space. I mean, I even helped Kate and her sister (Shannon) have something to talk about for the day...how helpful am I? I have to say that Melinda was quite the lady during our group discussion...she made sure to raise her hand and announce herself...thanks Melinda!
T. brought up something TOTALLY off the subject...as she is want to do...but she made a good point and something I need to clarify. Any story I write...feel free to spread it around...I consider you ALL close friends and when I am talking to MY husband...I always say, "guess what happened to my friend?" or "Can you believe she EATS that?"...so I expect the same from you guys!!!
Now question...how many days do I have to be a sober no guilty food person to start giving seminars on it and making millions and millions of dollars helping other people?
Think on that and let me know! Thanks.
P.S. I'm off to make chocolate chip cookies to give to my "friend" right out of the oven...thanks for the reminder McEwens!!!
P.P.S. How cute...Sandi didn't believe that I have lost readers over posts...seriously sweet...but uh...yea, it's sad but totally true!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
What we discussed in my comment box yesterday...you totally missed out!
My thoughts...so endure it
Other things to read
10 years
Annoying Habits
Bathroom stories
Blog Letter
Blog Makeover
Blog Surfing
Blog design
Blok Holidays
Brutally Honest Monday
Deep Questions
Dirty Little Secret
Don't you hate it when
Etiquette lessons
Extended Family
Extended Family Events
Foot in Mouth
Friday Foto Finish Fiesta
Fun with Fam
Games and Contests
Hawaii Vacation
Here's your sign
I need your Knowledge and help
I won
I'm cool
If that wasn't funny...I don't know what is
Just Cause
Just being Crazy
Linking up
MountainSport Man
My song
My thoughts...so endure it
New Year
New York Trip
Parenting (Venting) Fun
Pet Peeve
Posting somewhere else
Random Life Events
Random THoughts
Real World
Reality TV My opinion
Results for the giveaway
Serious Thoughts Sunday
The Gospel Posts (My personal feelings)
These are a few of my favorite things
TimeLess Tuesday
What I meant to say
What Would You Rather
Word-Filled Wednesday
Workout woes
Wow Information
about me
advice from others
blog friends
blog vacation
broken collar bone
job loss
shout outs
staring re-post
the fight started
uplifting things
walmart photos
Blog Archive
- I might just very well die because of this...
- Part 2-The moral of the story is...always pay up o...
- Me and Bathrooms don't mix... part 1
- Does that mean I am NOT busy because I blog?
- Where my family goes from Somewhat Respectable to ...
- One witty comment and our OWN bloggers choice awar...
- MY first kiss/french kiss/make-out!
- What we discussed in my comment box yesterday...yo...
- I think I'm an addict
- Standing in Holy Places
- Is there anything sexier?
- Come ON...what would YOU SAY?
- Do you wish you were a boy sometimes?
- I have the SIGHT or the Sixth Sense or...
- Next time Peeps Is staying with the RENTS!
- Recorded Historical Moment for ME!!!
- Being afraid of the Dark
- Public Bathroom Etiquette Lesson 2
- Fecal Matter...Don't You Hate It When!
- Okay...don't listen to this post...but you MIGHT r...
- My Stomach is TOO old to eat Sticky Fingers from W...