I was SO lucky to have another Girls Night Out...this time with my friends in West Jordan, or that I met while in my HOUSE...that is not my HOUSE anymore, but my OLD HOUSE now...only that I haven't replaced it with a new one yet...so what does that make it? Hmmm...the HOUSE that I lived in before our lives were knocked around and thrown upside down...that house.
Not all of my friends could come...some I'm sure I forgot to invite...and others were busy, but the ones that came...THANKS...I had a blast and you were a breath of fresh air in my everyday ordinary and somewhat crazy life. Oh how I wish I could still go over to her house to watch "Grey's Anatomy" and string my fingers through her daughters incredibly gorgeous hair, which I'm totally envious of, and snort at her husbands dry and sarcastic humor...or carve pumpkins with her and her girls and husband while eating meatball sandwiches...or have a dinner and watch a U of U vs. BYU game while eating really fattening foods with them (and walk around the neighborhood venting to each other) and them! Or laugh with her about the most random events!
Here's the highlights!
The evening of the 14th I packed up PeePs and I, and we flew up North so that I could attend GNO!...Thursday the 15th started off with sleeping in...aaaahhhh, PeePs is a sleeper...blessing when I want to sleep, curse when I need to get somewhere in the morning...KT and I packed our kids up and went to the park...this shot was PeePs acting like her usual FUN self...

PeePs and I...two peas from the same pod as far as personality goes, curse my independence!

Minds...I kept blurring out her face with my camera and finally got one in...Never a boring moment with Minds...always something to talk about with her!
Final result...Yes all my toes look like fingers and practically all the same length except for the little one...but I still love them...they look nice all pedicured up!
L to R: Minds, Me, Dels, Apes, Kels, and Di...all eating at the Cheesecake Factory...that's right read and weep...it was de-lish...we caught up on all Reality TV and, yet again, blogging! Then we got crazy and attended an impromptu, last minute, movie...

Perfectly fitting and SO funny!!!
THANKS, THANKS, AND THANKS girls...I definitely enjoyed myself, for those I forgot to invite I'm sorry and definitely next time, WE MISSED YOU...for those who couldn't make it, WE MISSED YOU TOO!
What would be your favorite thing to do with your friends if you had a night out with them? Give me some ideas for next time!