Just a Moment of your time: Thank you to all of my adoring fans Mom and Suns Fan #2, that take your time to come visit my obsession blog...and thanks for those that take the time to comment or email me...you have know idea how comforting it is to know that I am not the only MOM out there going through what I go through (or have insanely crazy kids that do hilarious things)! It is so nice to hear what you have to say...I love getting everyone's comments back on what I write about...whether good or bad, I still appreciate your time! Just wanted to say that...
I know that a lot of you are LURKERS or don't have the time to comment, or it's just creepy for you to do that on the internet...but if you can or do have the time...I'D LOVE TO HEAR YOUR COMMENTS Good or Bad, stranger or friend (family, whatever...I see you all the time)...just think, if you comment you won't be a stranger anymore! Thanks again!
I know that a lot of you are LURKERS or don't have the time to comment, or it's just creepy for you to do that on the internet...but if you can or do have the time...I'D LOVE TO HEAR YOUR COMMENTS Good or Bad, stranger or friend (family, whatever...I see you all the time)...just think, if you comment you won't be a stranger anymore! Thanks again!

That is what Disney is all about! Seriously getting away for awhile...that is why I still love it! Here we are at 7am in all our glory ready to fly down to California!

PeePs got to meet all the characters but these are the ones I got a pic of! The parade she got to see all the PRINCESSES! She LOVED that!

This is who showed up! Our old West Jordan neighbors...can I get a what what!!!

Guess what PeePs' favorite ride was...and who got to do it with her...that's right...I have now done my duty as a parent...and I didn't throw up! Do I get a medal or something? I felt like I should have!

Great shot of them coming over the peak of the roller coaster...it was cute to see MountainSport Man in the little rollercoaster! Someone had to take the picture!!!

Waitin' in the Indiana Jones Ride...Loved it!
Hey didn't the rock use to chase after you? Or was that just the movie?

PeePs posing in front of the Castle...we were by ourselves for quite a bit of time while the other BIG kids rode the BIG rides...I didn't mind...I rode what I wanted too...Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain!
My legs were KILLING me by the end of the day...so I sat out there in front of the castle waiting for the parade to start and offering to take other peoples family pictures...because I'm nice and cool like that...
okay well, most of them kinda stood there close to me, realizing that I was doing NOTHING and would literally stand there and say, "Ummm...if we could just find someone to take our picture..."
so I would bite my lip with my laziness and fatigue from walking all day and offer to take their picture...of course, they turned out perfect cause I'm a professional and they would ask where I got my mad skills from...
okay, you know I'm lying...but I did take lots of pictures for different families, because I am really nice like that! :)

Aren't those the cutest ears EVER!!! It says, "Princess" on the front and has a tiara and a veil too! It was a MUST have!

Parks closing and I can barely hold the camera up! We are walking down Main Street...the blurriness is an effect of my actual eyes, I was ready for BED...come to mama...

Not a bad day for the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH...we had fun!
After this pic we hit Mimi's Cafe where PeePs was in zombie mode and almost fell asleep in her spaghetti, she was doing the head bob, so we got out of there and hit the hotel where I attempted to blog something for Wednesday, but I fell asleep at the computer...
After this pic we hit Mimi's Cafe where PeePs was in zombie mode and almost fell asleep in her spaghetti, she was doing the head bob, so we got out of there and hit the hotel where I attempted to blog something for Wednesday, but I fell asleep at the computer...