As much as I like to jump on the bandwagon and do what everyone else is doing... I just can't bring myself to write resolutions or give you a low down about my blog for the year!!!
I sniff failure in the air and those of you that have gotten to know me know THIS... I fail a lot... so WHY would I set myself up to fail again when I can prevent it???
Plus who has time to think of crap like that? Besides all of you that have written them?Let's talk about more important things like... my kid DCar, has decided he has "a song".
Yes. He announced on our drive down to our annual BreakFast in a city south of us, that he has made THIS song HIS. It is HIS, if any of you try and steal it and make it YOURS or YOUR kids' I may have to slap you on the wrist with one of those SLAP ON WRIST bracelets I use to covet but my parents could never afford. (When I turned old enough to make my own money and buy my own stuff I owned now less than 5 slap on bracelets... and they were totally out of style, but I rocked them.)
One snag... my son is like me in so many ways. He sings the songs at the top of his lungs but doesn't ALWAYS get the words write. So when the song says, "FINALLY" he thought it was saying, "FAMILY". And even after we corrected him he says he likes it better the way HE sings it. (I wonder if RHCP will redo the song for my son... since it is HIS song? What do you think?)