OH MY GOSH guys! Do I have a bathroom story for you!
Your. Welcome.
Okay okay, so I am attending a movie at the theater with my little family, (MountainSport Man, Dcar, and Peeps), (No it was NOT New Moon, I had already went to that movie in the morning! Hehehehe, sidenote: It was WAY better than the first movie, and all ya'll that are Edward fans cannot tell me you prefer Edwards pastey white body to Jacobs hunk of flesh! If you do I'll know you lie! So what if his nose is a little weird, with that body, many things can be forgiven. Okay, moving right along…) we went to Planet 51. (Also a very good movie)
Anyway, because of the great movies that opened this weekend, New Moon, Blind side, Planet 51, there were a lot, and I mean A LOT, of people at the theatre…so you'll understand my disgruntlement when my little girl had to go to the bathroom while waiting in line to buy the tickets.
As soon as we get our tickets we bolt into the movie theatre. My husband gets in line for popcorn and stuff (YES, I HAVE to get movie popcorn when I go to the movie, it's blasphemous if you don't, just sayin) I take Peeps to the bathroom.
We swing open the door with force, I was going to get through this as fast as possible, plus as soon as I see a toilet my bladder, without fail, thinks it ALSO as to go to the bathroom.
But as soon as we step in and look around a corner, there are no less than 4 employees standing there looking down at a lady who is sprawled on the floor. At first I thought, "Oh NO! The poor thing slipped on the wet floor", because they had one of those yellow signs they put up after they have mopped a floor that cautions you the floor is wet.
But no. As I sit there and stair at what lays before me, (giving my daughter a perfect example of what to do when you see something that surprises you, rolls eyes), I realize after I hear the employee say, "Did you drink that WHOLE bottle of tequila" that the lady was drunk.
You need to keep in mind, that I live in a city that isn't a alcohol friendly city. You don't see drunk people everyday.
Then the lady pipes up, "Don't lose my phone"!
Movie Theatre chick: "Your phone is in your purse"
Slurring drunk lady: "I know that! Don't lose my phone!"
Movie Theatre Chick (MTC): "Your phone is in your purse honey". (The MTC was probably 18 years of age?)
SDL: moans
Another MTC walks in who was probably my age: "Dear, did you call your pastor? Because he's here, we will let him in as soon as we clear the bathroom" then the MTC lady who is about my age slowly looks at me.
Me: "oh! Sorry, is it okay if we quick use the bathroom" I look down at my daughter, whose mouth is wide open and staring with no abandon and point to her and shrug, "can't be helped she has to go"!
MTC: "Sure, sorry about this."
So we go to the bathroom. The whole time we continue to hear the lady asking not to have her phone lost.
As we are exiting our stalls the EMT comes rushing in and not ALL of them were women.
I KID you NOT! I'm a go with the flow kinda gal so my delicate sensibilities were not marred, but I was appalled for the other ladies in the restroom, well, besides the drunk from tequilla one...
I was just finishing buckling my daughters belt.
We are boxed in.
Me: "Excuse me, I hate to bother you guys but can my daughter and I get around so we can wash our hands and get out of here?"
People shuffle and move around. My daughters eyes are glued on the lady on the floor, staring unmercifully, I wasn't much better to be honest, I however, managed to turn my head forward to wash my hands.
We wash our hands while more EMT's rush in.
How many EMT's does it take to get a drunk lady out of a bathroom? Like 6… and not all are women… and not all the stalls are empty of ladies unloading their bladders!
As I wait for my daughter to finish washing her hands, her neck craned back looking at the scene behind her, her hands missing the water, it finally hits me… 'SHELLE, you can make this a teaching lesson.'
I move my daughters hands from the sink, dry them off, and grab her to slowly walk away, trying nonchalantly to push her head back around. As we are walking out the bathroom door I lean over and say, "P… it's not nice to stare, but if you must, you need to make it less obvious, look through the mirror next time with your head forward!"
It was a proud moment for me.
Come tomorrow, because I did a video that PROVED I wore Red for RED Friday! Don't miss it, it will just justify to you that I am indeed a dork!
Monday, November 23, 2009
I got rushed by the EMT's
Bathroom stories
Other things to read
10 years
Annoying Habits
Bathroom stories
Blog Letter
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Brutally Honest Monday
Deep Questions
Dirty Little Secret
Don't you hate it when
Etiquette lessons
Extended Family
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Foot in Mouth
Friday Foto Finish Fiesta
Fun with Fam
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Hawaii Vacation
Here's your sign
I need your Knowledge and help
I won
I'm cool
If that wasn't funny...I don't know what is
Just Cause
Just being Crazy
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MountainSport Man
My song
My thoughts...so endure it
New Year
New York Trip
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Pet Peeve
Posting somewhere else
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Serious Thoughts Sunday
The Gospel Posts (My personal feelings)
These are a few of my favorite things
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What I meant to say
What Would You Rather
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advice from others
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broken collar bone
job loss
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staring re-post
the fight started
uplifting things
walmart photos