I thought it would be all cute to write my blog in the sand and take a picture of it, I did and I was so proud of it. Then I went to edit the picture...and umm....yea, I forgot the U in BlokThoughts. So then I thought I would put a corny saying like, "Missing 'U' over here in Hawaii at our Private Beach house", but I can't lie it's against my religion and moral character and stuff! :)Then it washed away...good riddance...that is what this State does to you...it makes you lazy and somehow...lazy for me equals illiterate! It happens to the best of us!
So we hit the beach yesterday. The beach is an anomaly to our family...you see we grew up in the desert and most of us still live there...so we don't make it to the beach to often. We frolick and play and have tons of fun...Some of the fam went walking on the beach...not me, I had to sacrafice and sit where I was a take pictures...it's a hard life!
Some "special" people (if you know what I mean) went running. Or tried to pretend to go running...I again, sat, took picture, checked to make sure picture looked good, continued sitting!
Some people with extremely nice legs because she is a nutritionist and works out like its second nature decided to do an ab workout...again, sit, take picture...

This is what the rest of us did...just random shots! There is one of me that my sister took of me...but i'm posing and it's cheesy...but just so you knew that I did ONE other thing besides take pictures...

This tells you how COOL and geeky we are when we get near a beach...World Traveler found something in the ocean...picks it up...could be poisonous, but why worry about that when we could have discovered something NO ONE ELSE has...he has to show someone...then Tae brings it over...it's a rock!

The little ones...hated the ocean...but loved the sand! So they tried to build a castle...but their attention span wasn't great enough for the vision they had...that pic on the left is as far as they got!