Dec. 1, 2007
The Annual MountainSport Man's Family Christmas Party was this weekend! Alesha and Tawannee hosted it at their house. We had lots of fun and dinner consisted of a potato bar and some Taylor special salad. DCar and PeePs flew up on Wednesday with MountainSport Man (because MSM had an eye appointment he flew back to St. George later that day) and the kids decided to stay up there and hang out with Grandma Viv and Grandpa Ty and Taylor, Jodi, Ava, Paul, and Clem from Canada. I flew up on Thursday night and got the kids and stayed at Katy and Bart's house,...DCar woke up the next morning and he had thrown up (I think he ate too much), so sad...poor Katy and I were gagging while cleaning it up...THANKS KATY for helping me. Friday, DCar and PeePs got to go down to Orem to hang out with the Stoddard cousins because I got to go to the Salt Lake Temple to see the Taylor and Family Sealed. MountainSport Man flew up North Friday evening. Saturday morning we woke up to a snowstorm...MSM shoveled Katy's walks and driveway and by the time he was done there was a layer of snow again...We had to go down to Orem to pick up the rugrats so it was a rough time driving down...we passed a lot of cars off the side of the road...but after we got the kids the drive up was not bad at all...poor PeePs felt sick (but I really think she was just tired because later that night after the party she fell asleep around 6:30pm on the drive back from Tooele and after we got to Katy and Bart's house we just put her to bed and she slept the rest of the night)!!! We had a lot of fun at the party...Alesha and Tawannee had us for Christmas and they got us just wanted we asked for...Food Storage...I was so excited!!! We flew back all together Sunday morning around 10:00am...we got to the Salt Lake International airport under an hour left before the flight was scheduled to leave so we were hurrying to check in at the Kiosk and check our bags. We raced up to the security line and my heart fell into my stomach because the line was FOREVER long...then one of the TSA guys came down the line and said that the wait was about 25 minutes long (looked more like 45 minutes) and said that if we didn't want to wait that long then we could walk over to the International terminal and go through security there. I looked at MSM and we decided to do it...we walked over there and the line was lots shorter (so that is good to know in the future...if we fly and the security line is long then we should check to see if the International Terminal is open!!!) My mom was watching the flight for us to see if we were going to get on or not...she called and told us that we had seats right when we got to our gate...I walked up to the gate agents and they asked if we were the Blok's and I said, "yes", and she gave us our tickets. YEA! We even got to board first because we had the kids! The flight was smooth and we are safe and sound back in St. George. ONE big THANKS to the Bennett Hotel for all their hospitality! We had great fun with everyone!
These first three pictures I thought were funny...I was trying to take a picture of Kreg and I and I swear he is worse then the kids...(I think he has A.D.D.)

Can we say DRUGGED???
The Annual MountainSport Man's Family Christmas Party was this weekend! Alesha and Tawannee hosted it at their house. We had lots of fun and dinner consisted of a potato bar and some Taylor special salad. DCar and PeePs flew up on Wednesday with MountainSport Man (because MSM had an eye appointment he flew back to St. George later that day) and the kids decided to stay up there and hang out with Grandma Viv and Grandpa Ty and Taylor, Jodi, Ava, Paul, and Clem from Canada. I flew up on Thursday night and got the kids and stayed at Katy and Bart's house,...DCar woke up the next morning and he had thrown up (I think he ate too much), so sad...poor Katy and I were gagging while cleaning it up...THANKS KATY for helping me. Friday, DCar and PeePs got to go down to Orem to hang out with the Stoddard cousins because I got to go to the Salt Lake Temple to see the Taylor and Family Sealed. MountainSport Man flew up North Friday evening. Saturday morning we woke up to a snowstorm...MSM shoveled Katy's walks and driveway and by the time he was done there was a layer of snow again...We had to go down to Orem to pick up the rugrats so it was a rough time driving down...we passed a lot of cars off the side of the road...but after we got the kids the drive up was not bad at all...poor PeePs felt sick (but I really think she was just tired because later that night after the party she fell asleep around 6:30pm on the drive back from Tooele and after we got to Katy and Bart's house we just put her to bed and she slept the rest of the night)!!! We had a lot of fun at the party...Alesha and Tawannee had us for Christmas and they got us just wanted we asked for...Food Storage...I was so excited!!! We flew back all together Sunday morning around 10:00am...we got to the Salt Lake International airport under an hour left before the flight was scheduled to leave so we were hurrying to check in at the Kiosk and check our bags. We raced up to the security line and my heart fell into my stomach because the line was FOREVER long...then one of the TSA guys came down the line and said that the wait was about 25 minutes long (looked more like 45 minutes) and said that if we didn't want to wait that long then we could walk over to the International terminal and go through security there. I looked at MSM and we decided to do it...we walked over there and the line was lots shorter (so that is good to know in the future...if we fly and the security line is long then we should check to see if the International Terminal is open!!!) My mom was watching the flight for us to see if we were going to get on or not...she called and told us that we had seats right when we got to our gate...I walked up to the gate agents and they asked if we were the Blok's and I said, "yes", and she gave us our tickets. YEA! We even got to board first because we had the kids! The flight was smooth and we are safe and sound back in St. George. ONE big THANKS to the Bennett Hotel for all their hospitality! We had great fun with everyone!
These first three pictures I thought were funny...I was trying to take a picture of Kreg and I and I swear he is worse then the kids...(I think he has A.D.D.)
Can we say DRUGGED???