I have one of my regular contributors, that has been less regular, and now seems more like a guest--actually contribute today! And he did a smashing job as always, but he's over at Real World Venus vs. Mars--my OTHER blog, the one that I host but rely on the blog world for my posts!!! :) The one about relationships. He talks about how his relationships with his boys and girls differ... awesome read. So click over there! Below is a teaser--made me laugh!

Whatever. I'm the guy that used to write here quite a bit and then up and vanished like a fart in the wind. (And ten bucks to the one who gets that movie reference, without using Google . . . ) But it's a new year, and like Frankenstein's monster, "It's ALIVE!!!!!"
Or something like that.
To my Mars homeys . . . Word! And I must say that the Venus ladies are looking as lovely as ever.
Speaking of lovelies, have you ever noticed how much this lady . . .

. . . and our gracious and wonderful host . . .

. . . look so much alike?! I triple dog dare ya to watch one of those commercials and NOT think of Shelle. Just sayin's all!
But seriously . . .
SOOOO--head over there and laugh with me about the comparison... and then if you have anything to add about what Brian says... let him know! Love ya guys!