Things I learned while at Disneyland... with pictures, but they don't necessarily go along with what I'm saying... and what I'm saying is not in any way, shape, or form in order.
1. Never be on a Diet change your way of life if going to Disneyland... the popcorn and cinnamon get you every time.
2. Learn that if you want any pictures of yourself... you have to take them yourself-- then try not to go OVERBOARD... oops!
3. Tell daughter who is TERRIFIED of any fast big ride that the rules at Disneyland say, "If a young child cries on this ride they have to go twice". (My guys doing not MINE BTW)
4. Hey! She didn't cry...
5. And when we were in line and she saw a little boy crying she looked at me and said, "OH! Mommy that boy has to go twice!"-- it made us laugh for like 5 minutes while waiting in line.
6. lines suck.
6a. Especially waiting an hour and a half for Splash Mountain which makes my belly jump in my throat... and gets me soakin wet! Wear something that dries fast... or sit in the back of the log.
***Yes, I'm part Vampire and sparkle in the sun... now you know my secret! Note my nephew in the back... he's a little nervous I think! hahahaha!
7. California HS Senior Days suck.
8. California Screamin' is so freaking fast, twisty, and free fall-n-ee that you can't really scream cause your throat is in your stomach and your stomach is where your throat should be.
9. Hollywood Tower of Terror made me have to pee...
10. No worries, I didn't pee my pants. Plus I just told everyone I had just been on Splash Mountain... I think they bought it!
11. You realize while people watching that there are DEFINITELY people worse off than you.
12. Sorry... that was mean, but true.
13. Sitting down and watching the HILLY BILLY show at the ice cream sundae place was my favorite part of the day... that's just sad.
14. Ice Cream Sundae's suck when you are changing your way of life on a diet!
***Please take note of guy in FRONT... hahahaha!
15. After fixing "It's a Small World ride" it still grate's on your nerves even when it sings it in different languages... that happens to be one of PeePs favorite rides... besides TeaCups. (Guess who got to do that with her... TWICE)
16. It's definitely worth breaking someone's leg to get to use the Wheel Chair entrance... just saying...
17. When shining your pearly whites at the Disney Employee it will put him under a compulsion to give you a GET RIGHT BACK ON SPACE MOUNTAIN PASS after you just went... that's right, you get to walk RIGHT UP TO THE FRONT OF THE LINE...
18. Space Mountain is still my favorite ride.
***Sorry, you KNOW I had to put this in here... okay, let's continue!
19. Stop at EVERY bathroom you see... you never know when you will see one again!
20. When your sister tells you that her and her family are going to Disneyland... definitely CRASH their party for two days... it was a completely exhausting, thrill riding, stomach hurt laughing BLAST!!!
This is off topic: We ate cherries at lunch and I STILL got it, can tie that stem in a knot... a more mature and age appropriate knot!!! :)
P.S. Check son's who-likes-to-horde-Disneyland-maps-in-his-cargo-pockets, pockets before washing them.