Friday, May 22, 2009

Theme for today... DANCE!!!

Can you smell it in the air?

It's the changing of the Reality Shows, we go from American Idol--eh--so, so... and we get to get by FAR my favorite REALITY SHOW, who premiere'd last night!

(I wish they would ask me first when they photoshop'd my body on that poster... sigh.)

That's right... So You Think You Can Dance. Two hours of bliss... aaahhhh.

Of course we watched it on the DVR so I could fast forward. Sometimes those trying out make me feel all embarrassed for them, SO embarrassed I Fast Forward to save them the humiliation!!!

I'm nice like that.

Anyway... more on that another time. If you are an Alien from another planet and have no idea what I'm talking about... here's a few of my favorites to break ya in CLICK HERE or HERE. Or HERE!!!

I was able to take pictures of a Dance Concert a couple of weekends ago. Here are my two favorite shots.

Now go to Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Finish Fiesta and see who else is playing!

The coolest part of that Dance Concert... my niece performed her solo that she is taking to NYC for the New York City Dance Alliance Nationals--she placed for a spot in the Finals Gala... I'm biased... but I think she is amazing!!! After you watch her, I'll let you know how old she is.

(I'm awesome in this video at cat calling... I have that patented BTW... so you can't do it like me or I'll sue you.)

The girls 10!!! 10 years old. GAH... I love her! She's definitely my FAVORITE oldest niece!



P.S. I'm over at the Real World Venus vs. Mars today. I tell about the pranks my husband pulls on me... come over and say HI!!!

P.S.S. Everytime you comment... I lose weight... just saying.

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