Friday, July 25, 2008

Feet...where's the loyalty people

Seriously I have only been gone a few days and people are falling off like rocks in a landslide...its unnerving!!! Just cause I'm on Vacation doesn't mean you have to stop the comment love. I still look forward to reading them...even though I may not be able to reply to them while I'm out laughing and rolling in the beautiful sand, but really, is that the relationship we have? You scratch my back and I scratch yours kinda thing?

Okay, Okay, I promise, when you go on va-cay I'll comment on please, don't be shy, don't play HATE because I'm in the land of happy and you are stuck...well, wherever you are stuck...when the tables are turned...I'll be there. :)

For those of you that have stuck with me...I LOVE YOU...I really do, I feel the LOVE for thoughts turn to you while I am running along the beach with the wind blowing in my hair...LOVE, that is what it is! lol!

I'm totally kidding...totally being stupid and giddy and geeky because that is what this island does to you...besides making you illiterate!

Anyway, here are my pics for Friday Foto Finish Fiesta go on over and participate it's really easy!

I couldn't pick you'll have to deal with a couple. But the sand here is incredible!!! No seriously...those of you that live around the ocean are probably not surprised by this...but ME and my FAMILY are! We walk around here with NO shoes matter twigs, rocks, or's like everything here is made for feet! I love it!

It's cool right? The sand? Makes you want to roll around in it, doesn't it?

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