UPDATE: No I have NOT watched SYTYCD...I am still waiting for the first night to magically appear somewhere on the internet...if you have ANY clue as to where I could find that, it would be AWESOME! My husband decided to keep me at home locked away in our room instead of checking me into a Mental Institution...how sweet right? lol!
Today though, today is ALL ABOUT PEEPS!
"Hey PeePs, show me how old you are!" She looks over to DCar..."How old m' I?" DCar showed her three fingers and said, "Three, like this".
It took her a minute, but she finally got it! She is 3! Thanks to the 3 one dollar bills in her hand...it was easier for her to put a number to an actual amount! Thanks to Grandma M. for that MULA!
DCar said, "Hey Grandma M. is the nicest, because we ALWAYS get money in our card!" Yea that is most definitely the definition of nice! :) Thanks DCar for that...
The Day of PeePs' Birth:
PeePs on June 13, 2005, after being washed and primped the nurses brought her into me! Aren't the pink bows the BEST...I love feeling a baby's soft skin, especially right after they are born and cleaned...they smell so yummy and their skin feels like velvet! You can tell in this next pick that it was a little rough for her through the passage to get here to ME...but she made it!All bruised and swollen... :(
I look at these two photos and think, "Gosh she is so beautiful and perfect!" I loved her cute round head and fat little thighs!
But you showed me from the first that you had a MIND OF YOUR OWN because you were 4 days late...and when my patience couldn't hold any longer waiting for you to come on your own, I set an inducement date. You decided to come that day...on the day you were suppose to be induced! So I ended up NOT having to be induced...because I'm sure you were thinking, "FINE Mom, I'm coming, don't get your garmies in a bunch!"
Turning 1:
June 13, 2006--Eating of the cake! We had a BIG Costco cake all done up for you! All of your family that lived in our town came over and we had cake and ice cream. You were so funny waiting to blow out the candle and dig into the cake! You definitely weren't one that was going to be shy...or that didn't like attention...you were at home with everyone watching you and flashing pictures!
You definitely DUG in! You kept liking your face, lips, and hands trying to get more of the frosting, you wouldn't have anything to do with the actual cake part! Even NOW you only lick the frosting off of the cup cakes or cake when we have it...
This is just a pic showing how you mostly were your first year of life! Happy and wanting and absorbing whatever attention you could get...that included tantrums, but I try and focus on the positive! :)
Turning 2:
Now this birthday was fun because everything you opened you would say, "Wow, tat is soooo coot!" or "I wuv it, fank u"...You made everyone feel that their gift was MOST important. Again family and friends that lived around came over for some cake and ice cream!We tried the CHOCOLATE DOUBLE LAYER CAKE from Costco this birthday! YUM YUM...but again you only liked the frosting.
Your first scooter. MountainSport Man looked at a couple of stores to find the perfect PINK and PURPLE scooter since those are your favorite colors! You are most definitely a girl!
Turning 3:
You woke up this year to a bunch of balloons all over your room. Bampa said that you gathered them ALL up and went up stairs to show him what you had found! He said you could hardly get them through the door way...but you had the BIGGEST grin.Daddy called you from work and said, "PeePs, what day is it today?"
To which you replied, "It's my Birfday are you going to sing to me?"
Daddy said, "Not at work honey, but tonight, tonight I will sing to you!" MountainSport man gets a little stage fright when it comes to doing stuff like that with people around...way to dash her hopes honey...but when he got home he did sing for her more than once...and MSM has a sexy voice...but to PeePs, it just her Dad and she was smiling from ear to ear!Happy Birthday Sweetheart! We love you so much and are so excited to see you becoming such a fun, spirited, yet determined little girl!
I have written great posts about this little rugrat and these are some of my favorites DRAMA FOR MAMA and IS THIS WEIRD TO YOU
Of course you can always click on the label "PeePs" at the bottom of this post, or the other ones, and get loads of fun facts and posts about the princess we call "PeePs".
This BOW was made by my MOST TALENTED sister-in-law Mands! She is incredible at designing and making things...especially bows! She has a company called Polka Dots in Patterns because she uses polka dots on all her stuff! She is just setting up the business so her website is not up yet...but she is amazing...and everything she does is custom made...so there is usually never more than ONE thing made exactly the same...so you are getting an original. I say "usually never" because you can request something be made EXACTLY the same.
If you are interested in more of her products email me at blokthoughts@gmail.com and we can send you some pics...she is amazing, I'm not just saying that because she is my sister-in-law, the girl has talent!
Are you a cake and ice cream person at birthday's...or is there something else you feel is better than that? Especially when it comes to your children? What neat traditions do you have on your kids' birthday's or what happened everyone of your birthday's that your parents did for you? I would love to hear ideas and things...cake and ice cream can be boring!
Friday, June 13, 2008
PeePs is 3!
Other things to read
10 years
Annoying Habits
Bathroom stories
Blog Letter
Blog Makeover
Blog Surfing
Blog design
Blok Holidays
Brutally Honest Monday
Deep Questions
Dirty Little Secret
Don't you hate it when
Etiquette lessons
Extended Family
Extended Family Events
Foot in Mouth
Friday Foto Finish Fiesta
Fun with Fam
Games and Contests
Hawaii Vacation
Here's your sign
I need your Knowledge and help
I won
I'm cool
If that wasn't funny...I don't know what is
Just Cause
Just being Crazy
Linking up
MountainSport Man
My song
My thoughts...so endure it
New Year
New York Trip
Parenting (Venting) Fun
Pet Peeve
Posting somewhere else
Random Life Events
Random THoughts
Real World
Reality TV My opinion
Results for the giveaway
Serious Thoughts Sunday
The Gospel Posts (My personal feelings)
These are a few of my favorite things
TimeLess Tuesday
What I meant to say
What Would You Rather
Word-Filled Wednesday
Workout woes
Wow Information
about me
advice from others
blog friends
blog vacation
broken collar bone
job loss
shout outs
staring re-post
the fight started
uplifting things
walmart photos
Blog Archive
- When is enough...enough?-BHM
- What is your pet peeve?
- To many extra curricular activities?
- My love of Dance
- My car wreck...
- In the beginning...1994
- SYTYCD--Camping--New love...
- Sweat Shower...
- MountainSport Man got Tagged...
- THE soccer picture-Flashback!
- I think I scared them away...
- Mom's Style...cool or not cool? Hmmm...
- To my Father's!
- PeePs is 3!
- I've gone postal...see ya!
- Part 2 of 1993-All About Me
- So this you see, is 1993 Part 1
- To Be Honest...Spanking vs. Timeout
- SYTYCD--why the crying?
- Rookie Soccer Mom...My Obsessive TWILIGHT previews!
- Mom I need to chweck my EMAIL!
- Just 1992
- If your going to fall...go down like my Dad!