Let me just get this off my chest real fast! I have been blog surfing, like I do, and I have come upon a few blogs where they have talked about "Attracting people to your blog" (and I totally want to so feel free to link to me anytime so i can feed of your popularness).
One of the biggest things that each one of them has said is don't have a regular MOMMY BLOG...which means...don't just talk about what you did for the day, how many diapers you changed, who you made lunch for, or where you happen to take your kids that day.
Okay, well I'm screwed and I understand NOW why a lot of you don't stay on to read my blog and become obsessed with it EVERYDAY...
I have a normal MOMMY BLOG because that is my life and what is consumed with it...my kids. Luckily I don't have to change diapers right now in this period of my life. But I have typed many posts about what I have done that day or who I have cooked for. So sorry guys...I'll try to expand my knowledge and delve back into my books on see what interesting things I can push at ya...
Well, secretly...I like telling you about my day...this blog is for me to say whatever I want right? so if that means I tell you how many times I yelled at my little darlings then that means that is what I write about...a lot of this blog is for journaling so that I make my mark in history...ya know, in case any one cares, and I miraculously become famous after I die. There's always that chance... :)
But I also DO REALLY LIKE typing to an audience and I SO love hearing your comments and have laughed hysterically when visiting your blogs, which initiates me to write something more amusing or interesting for you so that you continue to comment and I can continue to be entertained...it's a "circle of blogs" so to speak...
I had my nephews last week and I was sitting at the park just looking around and started noticing the difference between Mom's. It's like you could tell which Mom's had little or no sleep and dressed like it. The Mom's that had again little or no sleep but still dressed for the day. There were mom's who you could tell had been to the gym at 6:00am that morning and probably jogged for an hour before showering and getting ready and taking her kids to the park. (Because they have a super hot body and are tugging around 4 or 5 kids) Then there was the Mom that woke up 10 minutes before haphazardly getting her kids ready, or they got themselves ready, and quickly left for the park to meet a bunch of friends. They were different shapes and sizes and I chuckled to myself to see which category I was in that day...that's right, little or no sleep and dressed like it!
I found myself looking around and my eye being attracted to those Mom's that a lot of single men tenderly refer to as MILF's. If you don't know what that is...email me, I'll fill you in, but since this is a family-friendly website...(My friends daughters read my website because I'm like the COOL friend.ha)...I'm not going to spell it out for you here right now. They basically are Beautiful women that have incredibly bodies and dress them to match...plus they have kids and do cool mom things.
Then this led my brain back a couple of weeks ago when my friend Brooke said, "Shelle, Mom's just aren't cool...like when you become a Mom you instantly are put into a not cool category. Especially when you are trying to pick out something to wear. I just went to my sister's graduation and was looking at her and her friends and thought to myself, I'm just trying to hard to be cool...with a baby on my hip...I was so totally NOT cool. You should write about it on your blog and see what other people think." ( I'm summarizing here!)
I was like..."why don't YOU write about it on your blog...that would be interesting to see what other Mom's or Dad's think!"
She said, "No I'd rather read what you have to say...I think you should do it!"
Fine Brooke I'll do it, but just because I am interested in what others say too...and because I think the world of you, and I have to give props to you because YOU are one of the stylish coolest mom's I know...but I know you'll just roll your eyes at that since you don't realize it about yourself.
I use to think that if you had a really skinny body to adorn all the really cool new and latest styles that it didn't matter what age you were you could pull it off. I was dead wrong.
I have a co-worker that I see at work who is always wearing styles that are just a tad to young for her. She is a beautiful woman, but she just doesn't know how to dress her body, she has a great body...one I envy now and then when I am weak...But she shops at all the trendy teenage stores and it looks more trashy then classy. You understand where I am coming from? You know what I mean right? ( don't worry the lady that I work with barely knows my name...wouldn't realize it was her if I brought it up in conversation...plus it's my opinion, so take a chill pill)
I totally think you can be a classy dresser as a Mom...but you HAVE to make that leap from the teen section of the store to the Woman section of the store. No you may not find those hotter than hot shorts or really slinky tank top to go with it...or the tighter than tight spandex with the weird looking prego shirt...or you might, depending on where you shop...but I think there is just something about a mature lady or woman or MOM who dresses herself in something classy yet stylish. They have designers out there that design just for the WOMAN's BODY! We should take advantage of those styles...
for us bigger women...THANK GOODNESS for layers being in style. They are definitely classy and allow you to wear more stylish tops.
Jeans that fit right are a big one...I have scored hundreds of hours looking for the JUST RIGHT JEANS...because I don't have a gazillion dollars to find designer jeans that will instantly make me look like Jessica Alba, it takes me a while to find jeans that I can turn around in a mirror and say, "Wow, my butt doesn't look THAT bad in these". But again I am no expert because for the longest time I walked around with jeans I thought made my legs look good...which they did, but they also were a little too tight and gave me a camel toe...which I didn't know until I saw a picture of myself...NO ONE ever told me...and I wore those jeans A LOT, I mean A LOT!
I do however believe that a MOM can try TOO HARD. It's obvious to. Like when they aren't facing you and you look at them and they are in the clothes that my friends teenager buys and you think they look cute because all you see is their body(yea the skinny young looking woman)...then they turn around and you are like ICK because their eyes and wrinkles, or botox and plastic surgery, and the one-to-many-times-in-the-tanning-bed, give them a tell tale sign of their age, and then you instantly think...they should wear something a little more their age and they would be a knock out because they really are beautiful.
So style wise...I am still not an expert and most times I try to hard...it just looks worse on me because I have the extra back fat and tummy that came along with my two little rugrats...mostly because I was lazy and didn't work out when I was pregnant...but either way, I really have NO idea what I am talking about..this is purely and opinion of what I see when I am out and about with my kids.
I feel like I'm cool even though I DON'T dress it because of what I did this last week with my nephews. I went out to Osh Kosh and bought them those muscle shirts from the picture above...These button-down shirts...
These T-Shirts...
And then took them out to get their pictures taken so that I could get some practice doing my new obsession. Plus we managed to hit 2 splash pad parks and 2 different swimming pools, with a couple of picnics and a toy store excursion...in their eyes I WAS the epitome of cool...
and in my life at this time I'll take what I can get that is what counts for me, because I'll never be COOL in societies eyes, because BROOKE I think you're right, you definitely get your cool card taken away by other single adults,...unless of course you are rich and famous and then it doesn't really matter you seem to be cool no matter what you do...
okay, I got my cool card taken away, but if I'm going to be honest...most of the mom's I know ARE COOL and they DRESS COOL, and honestly Brooke, you fit into that category. I'm not just saying that...you really are COOL and you still have a knockout body after two kids and you still dress WAY cute...you are so cute and gorgeous that I wanted to hate you before I met you, of course you are too dang nice so I couldn't
Since I'll never be rich and famous...I'm just going to hang around other Mom's that dress like me, dream about what I could do with my body if I hadn't let myself go during my two pregnancies, and smile when my husband says, "You're MILF material to me" because I know he's just saying that to try and get lucky! lol!
So what are your thoughts? What makes a Mom stylish when they dress or COOL? Do you think some Mom's try too hard? Do you not care at all and wish I would just stop typing...you know...another thing those blogs said NOT to do...is type REALLY long posts...ummmm...screwed there also aren't I?
Monday, June 16, 2008
Mom's Style...cool or not cool? Hmmm...
My thoughts...so endure it
Other things to read
10 years
Annoying Habits
Bathroom stories
Blog Letter
Blog Makeover
Blog Surfing
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Blok Holidays
Brutally Honest Monday
Deep Questions
Dirty Little Secret
Don't you hate it when
Etiquette lessons
Extended Family
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Foot in Mouth
Friday Foto Finish Fiesta
Fun with Fam
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Hawaii Vacation
Here's your sign
I need your Knowledge and help
I won
I'm cool
If that wasn't funny...I don't know what is
Just Cause
Just being Crazy
Linking up
MountainSport Man
My song
My thoughts...so endure it
New Year
New York Trip
Parenting (Venting) Fun
Pet Peeve
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Serious Thoughts Sunday
The Gospel Posts (My personal feelings)
These are a few of my favorite things
TimeLess Tuesday
What I meant to say
What Would You Rather
Word-Filled Wednesday
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Wow Information
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advice from others
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broken collar bone
job loss
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the fight started
uplifting things
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Blog Archive
- When is enough...enough?-BHM
- What is your pet peeve?
- To many extra curricular activities?
- My love of Dance
- My car wreck...
- In the beginning...1994
- SYTYCD--Camping--New love...
- Sweat Shower...
- MountainSport Man got Tagged...
- THE soccer picture-Flashback!
- I think I scared them away...
- Mom's Style...cool or not cool? Hmmm...
- To my Father's!
- PeePs is 3!
- I've gone postal...see ya!
- Part 2 of 1993-All About Me
- So this you see, is 1993 Part 1
- To Be Honest...Spanking vs. Timeout
- SYTYCD--why the crying?
- Rookie Soccer Mom...My Obsessive TWILIGHT previews!
- Mom I need to chweck my EMAIL!
- Just 1992
- If your going to fall...go down like my Dad!