Thursday, January 1, 2009

My Stomach is TOO old to eat Sticky Fingers from Wingers!

Okay, I am secluded in a closet writing this post because my New Year's Resolution was to clean before I posted...(Thanks Kritta for the uninspired-inspiration---NOT!)

It wouldn't have been so bad if I would have just kept it to myself, but NO, I had to announce it to my family, and for SOME REASON, my husband wants me to stick to this one! The NERVE!

If I want to break a NEW YEAR's Resolution hours after I made it, that should be MY prerogative, not his...right?

Can I get an a M.E.N.!

I wanted to Barf My Brains Out (BMBO--if you haven't been stalking wouldn't have known that, except hers was BYBO--Barfing Your Brains Out)--after my New year's party not because I DRANK to much...but because I ATE one to many Wingers STICKY FINGER wings! OH.MY.Gadness!!!! It wasn't the Pizza from Pizza Hut that did it, or the Caramel popcorn I made with LIGHT BROWN SUGAR and LIGHT CORN SYRUP, or the Wheat Thins I ate, or the Root Beer Float I had...


It was definitely the Sticky Fingers from Wingers that did it!

I summoned the GODDESS of not-throwing-up to my rescue and vowed NEVER to indulge in my Sticky Fingers again...or Party like it's 1999...but 10 years later!

My stomach isn't as young as it use to be...and that is just plain sad.

Back in the Ol' Days...none of this would have been a problem. Cleaning would have been passed as a poor excuse of boredom and almost BYBO after eating STICKY FINGERS would have been passed as a dare gone wrong.

So sad...

This WHOLE getting older bit!

Why do they call it HAPPY NEW YEAR? More like SAPPY new year!

I think Benjamin Button had it all right...or the writer of Benjamin Button had it write/right...let time go Backwards, we should be celebrating and partying like it is 2007...

The only thing I would change is that when we get to the point in our life that is the MOST tolerant of eating STICKY FINGERS from WINGERS than we can stop time...right there...and live in perfect perfectness! Don't you think?

And just because I want to say this...when I partied like it was 1999---it was, and my body was, pretty PERFECT!

Can I get an AMEN!



To 2009 and hoping that all of YOUR stomachs were young enough to eat Sticky Fingers!

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