Monday, January 12, 2009

I have the SIGHT or the Sixth Sense or...

I have THE SIGHT. I've always thought I might have the sight, but nothing I have ever seen or dreamed have really ever come to pass, that I remember anyway, and I THINK I would remember.

But I was immature when I was young and dreamed that I was a princess who ruled the land and everybody loved me because I let them eat ice cream after 4pm. *Gasp*

Then I realized that as I became an adult that I could eat ice cream anytime I that doesn't really count.

So my SIGHT back then was a little of but I've always had somewhat of a sixth sense.

Like, when I was in YOUNG WOMEN'S and they were giving away this SUPER cool craft with all the YOUNG WOMEN's themes and colors on it...and I wanted it REALLY bad...and she was drawing the name from the vase in the OTHER WARDS closet, I had a VERY strong feeling that she was going to draw my as she began to pull out the paper with the name on it and said, "The lucky girl is..." and I shouted, "SHELLE BLOK!" and she looked at the paper and smiled and said, "Shelle Blok!"

And they all laughed and giggled and said things like, "what a coincidence."

And I would smile and look at them, but smugly, in the back of my mind, I would KNOW that I KNEW that I would get my name drawn because...I'M IN TUNE!

Well, recently, and I think because I watched all episodes and seasons of MEDIUM...which, by the way, freaky-freaks me out, but I feel as if I'm starting to get the SIGHT and the SIXTH sense thing down.

We had our Stake Conference this last Sunday. And our Stake Presidency is being re-vamped.

And if MountainSport Man and I are consistent at is missing Stake Conference. I mean someone was bound to say they MISSED me and call me to let me know who the NEWLY beloved presidency was. Or my Rent's would tell me because...well...we live in their basement.

So knowing I was going to miss Stake Conference on Sunday, I stayed up WAY late to read my UBER special and intense book, which I cannot name because I don't want people to sin and judge me.

That Morning, as I laid my head to sleep I had a VERY vivid dream.

All kidding aside.

I honestly dreamed of a certain person, we'll call him, Joe Stake President (JSP), being IN the Stake Presidency.

It was SO real and so vivid that when I woke up the next morning I instantly had to roll over to tell MSM.

But he wasn't there...he was up, making breakfast for the kids, and letting me sleep. What the What?

How insensitive that he would be up there making them breakfast when I had serious things to tell him.

So, I got up and found him to tell him that I SAW a certain someone, JSP, in my dreams being announced as someone on the Stake Presidency.

MSM: "Sweet." Raised eyebrows. *Crickets chirping*

*TWO HOURS later*

My Rent's come home from Stake Conference and announce who was on the new stake presidency. That's right...JSP was!

I totally CALLED it!

But I wasn't surprised...just honored that I finally honed my SIGHT Seeing, Sixth Sense skills.

Although, I always have dreams of being instantly rich and my husband wakes up to have an original Austrailian accent...

I don't just seems like someone's trying to tell me something. :)


Question real fast.

Talking about SIGHT, or lack thereof, why when you go to a DRIVE-UP ATM do they have braille lettering?



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