I wanna lie and tell everyone that I'm a REALLY active person and I LOVE to be outdoors being really ACTIVE.
But that would be a lie.
And although I like to stretch the truth once in a while if it is going to benefit me...I don't lie.
Like the year 2007 where I practically ran 4 days a week because someone said I would eventually become addicted. Let me just say...every day, STILL, I hate running.
I'm not really that ACTIVE of a person. I exercise...but then I'm done being active for the day.
My husband and kids...they LOVE to be active. MountainSport Man right NOW as I am typing this post, is out riding bikes with the kids and kicking soccer balls at the school. They LOVE that type of stuff.
They are always ganging up on me to be a MORE active participant in these kinds of break away activities. You see...I have planned it out REALLY well...
They all have bikes...
I don't.
Not EVEN an old one that can be fixed. We just have MSM's UBER expensive bike and the kids' bikes.
No bike for me.
ahhhh...too bad. hehe
So I always just say, "Sorry, Mom doesn't have a bike...can't go with you guys. You go ahead and I'll just sit here and find something else to do...won't be as FUN as what you guys are doing...but I'll manage. Now go have fun!"
And I push them out the door on their merry way!
I think my husband has caught on...because he is always on KSL looking for bikes that are for sale. I'm running out of excuses, besides the price--I can always fall back on the price, why I don't want the particular bike. SHHHH...
Yesterday I got COERCED into driving an hour to find snow on a mountain to PAY to snow tube. That's right...PAY. Because there isn't enough snow in the city to tube down a hill on.
Let's just say I had a LITTLE fit. Pouted the WHOLE way. Didn't want to spend my Saturday, wasting it, by being active.
But my kids and husband REALLY wanted to go...and I'll have to admit...when they all give me the look...I simply can't refuse, it would be blasphemous if I did...I would be struck by LIGHTING!
So I went...so that I could maintain my quality of silky hair and not get fried by lighting.We drove, we got there, we paid...and then HELK if MSM was going to get the first ride...even though the mountain TUBING courses were HIGH and I was terrified...I wasn't going to let HIM get the first run...so I went. And to be honest, you don't have to be that active...a line PULLS you up the mountain and you ROLL off the tube when you get to the top and a person unhitches your tube and then you ride down the mountian and leave your worries, and your stomach at the top!
If you look really close...Yep, I have a smile!
Totally was enjoying myself.No...the snow stuff wasn't long enough for me, and my hat kept riding up my head because I wore a dang pony tail...but I did remember the sun glasses so the wind wouldn't hurt my eyes...I'm smart like that!
And so was MSM, having a good time...
He forgot his sunglasses...SUCKA!
and DCar, he LOVED it...
even though they gave him a warning for hitting the tubes at the top, apparently that is a NO, NO, but he didn't mean to, he wasn't quite sure how to control his speed, his poor little feet had a hard time slowing him down, couldn't reach the snow when he was trying to hold onto the tube!!! lol!...
PeePs however, decided she wasn't old enough to go on the MASSIVE mountain. So she sat in the tube and was freezing. She gave me this smile:But then when I told her I wanted another one, she wouldn't give it to me the BRAT!
See what I mean!
Or maybe she was just REALLY cold...either way.
Then when I asked if she wanted to try the mountain yet...this is what she did!
Then you know what she did?
After my SECOND time down the mountain...she informed me that she PEED in her snow suit!
That's right...PEED. After the big fit I had...I decided I would help PeePs out instead of making MSM do it...WHAT THE WHAT? I must have had Altitude sickness...I mean, I'll NEVER be that dumb again...but I was then.
Of course at the lodge they don't carry under wear...or emergency toddler peeing essentials. So I drove around looking for a store of some kind, found her some DIAPERS and a $32.00 pair of sweats (the cheapest around) to change into.
By the time I got back...our two hours had 5 MINUTES left. So I went one more time...raced MSM...we tied. JERK! Couldn't even let me WIN after all I missed out on!
Then headed home.
AAAHHH...good times with the FAM. Seriously can't beat them.
No really...I had a good time. Next time, and I vow there will be a next time... (anyone want to come and race me?), PeePs is staying with the Grandparents!
How was your weekend?
P.S. If you have wanted to follow my PHOTOGRAPHY blog I FINALLY put up a follower thing. Like anyone really WANTS to...but thought I would put it up because I know how much easier it is to follow someone then to have to keep checking to see if they UPDATED :)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Next time Peeps Is staying with the RENTS!
Fun with Fam
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Blog Archive
- I might just very well die because of this...
- Part 2-The moral of the story is...always pay up o...
- Me and Bathrooms don't mix... part 1
- Does that mean I am NOT busy because I blog?
- Where my family goes from Somewhat Respectable to ...
- One witty comment and our OWN bloggers choice awar...
- MY first kiss/french kiss/make-out!
- What we discussed in my comment box yesterday...yo...
- I think I'm an addict
- Standing in Holy Places
- Is there anything sexier?
- Come ON...what would YOU SAY?
- Do you wish you were a boy sometimes?
- I have the SIGHT or the Sixth Sense or...
- Next time Peeps Is staying with the RENTS!
- Recorded Historical Moment for ME!!!
- Being afraid of the Dark
- Public Bathroom Etiquette Lesson 2
- Fecal Matter...Don't You Hate It When!
- Okay...don't listen to this post...but you MIGHT r...
- My Stomach is TOO old to eat Sticky Fingers from W...