Sunday, September 28, 2008

PeePs is Singing in the Rain...

The one thing you get with living in the desert is hot and very dry days. Sometimes it is pointless to take a bottle of water with you anywhere because it will just get warm in minutes. There seems to be endless days in a row where you sweat and think that your very last thought will be that you need a drink of water, especially with my kids, because they seem to always want to be outside!

Or inside playing the XBox or Wii...but that's a whole other story...there is no in between...

So a week or so ago...the clouds came rolling in. That usually makes it humid, and one thing I despise more than the blow dryer hot the humid blow dryer hot days. They suck...and they are usually annoying because you don't get any reprieve from the just get the clouds and the gloom.

But every once in the desert...those clouds bring rain, and the smell of rain, and the cooling effect rain brings! I LOVE the rain...or at least the smell of rain.

With those clouds there was lighting AND thunder...and sometimes that is all we will get...just the tease of lighting and the crack of thunder but not a drop of water! But this time...we got our rain! It came down...pouring sheets of rain!

The funny story with all of this is...I was in my room blogging at the time I here the first crack of thunder. I thought I heard both of my kids in the other room...but I wanted to make sure, so I did something very rare...I checked just to make sure. I usually go by my if I hear them in the family room...I don't really need to check on them.

I heard another Crack and saw the flash of what was lighting...and then another...and then I heard the rain start pouring down...banging against my window.

Vaguely I heard my mom start yelling, "PeePs close the door! PeePs close the door!"...I didn't really pay that much attention to it because my kids are pretty good at doing things when you ask and they are in the vicinity to hear you.

Not two minutes later I hear again, "PeePs close the back door the rain is getting in!". I start to tune in a little more here. I hear PeePs singing...and then I realize that she is not singing in the family room where I thought she was...but she was outside...right outside my window!

So I jump up from my into the family room...look at the back door and see that it is WIDE open. I run the stairs to shut it and look outside to see PeePs jumping at her leisure, singing a song she made up, and just lost in her own world, while it is pouring sheets of rain on her! She LOVED could see the pure bliss on her face.

Instead of running down to get my camera to take her picture and get a live recording...I YELL at the top of my lungs..."PeePs get in here! It's raining!"...she looked at me, gave me her sad face, and then slowly got down from the trampoline, while flashes of lighting are going off and thunder is cracking every few seconds! I'm deathly afraid of thunder and lighting...because I saw one of my childhood friends almost get struck by lighting when I was 8 and have always been afraid of it since...

But I had to show you how bad it was raining...and what PeePs looked like...

That is where she was jumping...can you see the rain in the background...I tried to blacken out the big massive tree that hangs over the tramp so you could see the rain.

Here's a close up...

Here is PeePs...I guess the tree was covering her, so she really wasn't getting too soaked...

Oh well...childhood fears are hard to erase from the memory...I felt better with her inside! :)

How do you feel about Thunder and Lighting?


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