To read the first part of this series go here...but let's face it...most of you just like to look at pictures! lol!
In the beginning...I was new blood...and if you understand the concept of "only the strong survive" you would understand how I attempted to prepare myself when we had family gatherings! I was obliterated, mentally pounded on, and hung up to dry...I.was.weak. Which was totally abnormal for me...and not in my personality.
Being the middle child, I ALWAYS voiced my opinion. I never let someone get to me...I rarely cared if someone didn't like me because I simply removed them from my life...I felt, "life is hard...why waste it with things or people that don't make you happy"...if I had to deal with people that didn't like me, I made is short and kept it sweet because like my mom always said, "kill'em with kindness".
The first few years of being married to my husband...who I adored, loved, felt safe and comforted with and never could get enough of...was countered with finding a way to make his family accept me for who I was, instead of trying to fit into their mold of who they thought I should be...I can't tell you how many times I heard, "I just didn't think Mountain Sport Man would marry someone like YOU"...I knew some of them didn't get me, they didn't particularly like me...I was different. I liked dance, I liked to have my hair done and make-up on before I went out and about if I could help it, I like being social...and I laugh at awkward and sometimes serious moments, and I didn't search every store for the lowest price, if I saw it and liked it and it happened to be on sale I would buy it, even if it WASN'T on sale *gasp* I might even pay full price if I wanted it bad enough...again, I was different.
Don't get me wrong...they tried hard to see through my differences...they were happy MSM found someone he loved...they just didn't quite know how to take me, and I didn't know how to BE me and not be completely and utterly calm...because inside I was terrified. It was like walking on egg shells when I had to be around them...I didn't want to say the wrong thing and get my head bitten off, so I kept my opinions to myself...I didn't want to correct them if they were wrong (which I annoyingly do very often with close friends and family, usually in a light hearted manner)--
As I grew older...matured, I started to stop caring, or tried to anyway--kinda not in my DNA. I decided that I could handle whatever was thrown at me...and I started to realize that as different as they were for me...I was just as different, and if I wanted a relationship...a real relationship with any of them, I was going to have to stop throwing up walls to protect myself. I was going to have to be my full opinionated and flawed self...and then deal with the consequences.
After nine years of marriage I can openly anybody that cares...I LOVE my in-laws...even the ones that I still rub the wrong way. I love them. They were taught to be caring people...they have a strong sense of family--all of them have tight individual families. When times are tough they want to help...I've never seen more adults love, truly love, and play with their kids. They LOVE children...their children...and other children...You are never short a babysitter when you are around MSM's family. I have built a relationship with the once intimidating younger sister...and truly couldn't have found a better friend. I would practically do anything for her...she is the "sporty" sister I never had and when it is just me and her...we can talk for I am in lust with her husbands personality, never met a funnier guy!
Yet, I still find myself preparing myself to be in the presence of their family. I find I still build my walls. I still get this tight energy about me...which makes me act out of character. I still feel like the outsider looking in...never quite fitting in with I had to camp, and I don't like to camp. They make it fun by doing crafts and having contests...but I still feel dirty and no matter what...peeing in an outhouse for 3 days makes me cranky...and this year we decided to do the annual family campout on Labor Day weekend...which is one WHOLE extra day...camping...being dirty...and peeing in outhouses. It also rained...EVERY NIGHT...right when we were suppose to have SMORES...which is the only worthwhile event of camping. I had only gotten ONE smore...that had to be part of the meltdown now that I think about it...
I stupidly got in an arguement with one of the brothers I absolutely get a long with...I acted like a 12 year old...AND it was over a card game called QUIDDLER...when I finally understood what he was trying to tell me...he had already gotten mad and we were past the point of no return...I told him he was RIGHT...agreed with him...and then had to walk away before I humiliated myself in front of everyone...more than I already had.
I couldn't seem to let go of the tension...couldn't seem to get over my young and married fear of acceptance from them...and I'm finally admitting to it...because if I don't, then THIS will happen:
So driving daughter spilled her Fry Sauce...and low an behold I have a MELTDOWN. I full on swore--which I can probably count on both of my hands how many times I have done that in my life. I'm just not a swear-er, I ranted and raved, told my husband to SHUT UP, all while the kids were watching on and giving me those "Mom's gone psycho" looks...and I want to state right now I don't have MELTDOWN'S. (Can't count pre-teen or teenage years...because if you are have meltdowns about your hair==so those don't count.) Since I have been married I could probably say I average maybe 1 meltdown a 9 major meltdown's since we have been married. My point...I don't have them...I just don't! I SHUNNED my husband for a full 30 minutes before I saw some stormy clouds that were spectacular...and so had to UN-SHUN him so that I could point them out...
MSM: "So how long are you NOT going to talk to me?"
ME: Silence--cursing his name in my head.
MSM: Shakes his head...
ME: See cool looking storm clouds...debate with myself back and forth if I should point them out to my husband...who I am mad at...and I can't remember WHY?
So I act out a part from THE OFFICE "Unshunned...Look at those cool storm clouds over there"..."Re-shunned"...
MSM: Throws his head back...starts laughing...
ME: "UNSHUNNED...I had no one else to share it with, the kids are both asleep...RE-SHUNNED!"
(For those of you that haven't watched THE OFFICE on NBC...I stole the whole SHUNNED thing from this the first minute...then skip to about 4 minutes...then skip to about 6 minutes. So funny!)
See what I mean...all craziness, totally stupid, and I'll openly admit...a major's like I had to release all that tense energy that I had built up...
All because I can't get over those first few years of dating and marriage with his family, and the strong feelings of inadequacy. I know that a lot of you out there have probably similar experiences with in-laws...I even know my OWN sister-in-laws feel the same.
But something good has come of thing, I get to write in my blog and let it out...which in turns saves me money on therapy. Two...I finally recognize how dumb I am. It is all me. I choose to feel that way, I choose to assume how they feel about me and act on the defensive all the time. So I am deciding right now that it's going to stop. I can't have another episode like I did driving in the car over fry sauce being spilled. I need to let it go. If they like me...they like me...Mountain Sport Man isn't going anywhere...he chooses me, he loves me and I can't help anything else, nor can I control it!
It has to be that Middle Child Syndrome of always wanting acceptance...but I'm over it.
All because I had a melt down.
So I am going to work on that now that I recognize it! At least for now...who knows down the road, I usually don't follow through with things...another nasty habit of mine!
And the Winner is:
Okay, so I did the video thing again...because that's MY thing! lol!
So this is who won...ENJOY...OH and remember--I don't sing, so I am putting myself out there for your entertainment...don't make me regret it!
See I told you I don't sing! If you couldn't watch the video to see who the winner is...make sure to email me at and I will email you who the winner is!
Suns Fan #2 helped me video and after it was all said and done...she left me a little video message on my I'm showing all of you because she'll hate that I put it on here...and revenge is sweet lil' sis! :) Love you tons!!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Meltdown Part Deux...the end of a two part series...and the WINNER to my GIVEAWAY!!!
Other things to read
10 years
Annoying Habits
Bathroom stories
Blog Letter
Blog Makeover
Blog Surfing
Blog design
Blok Holidays
Brutally Honest Monday
Deep Questions
Dirty Little Secret
Don't you hate it when
Etiquette lessons
Extended Family
Extended Family Events
Foot in Mouth
Friday Foto Finish Fiesta
Fun with Fam
Games and Contests
Hawaii Vacation
Here's your sign
I need your Knowledge and help
I won
I'm cool
If that wasn't funny...I don't know what is
Just Cause
Just being Crazy
Linking up
MountainSport Man
My song
My endure it
New Year
New York Trip
Parenting (Venting) Fun
Pet Peeve
Posting somewhere else
Random Life Events
Random THoughts
Real World
Reality TV My opinion
Results for the giveaway
Serious Thoughts Sunday
The Gospel Posts (My personal feelings)
These are a few of my favorite things
TimeLess Tuesday
What I meant to say
What Would You Rather
Word-Filled Wednesday
Workout woes
Wow Information
about me
advice from others
blog friends
blog vacation
broken collar bone
job loss
shout outs
staring re-post
the fight started
uplifting things
walmart photos
Blog Archive
- Thank you...NEW CONTEST...and I WON!!!
- Don't You Hate It When...
- PeePs is Singing in the Rain...
- Friday Foto Finish Fiesta...Scooter Style!
- Dear Gum Smacking Lady at Spin Class
- I'm Lazy!
- Don't you hate it when....
- Praise or Criticism?
- My love-hate relationship with Dora the Explorer
- Part Two--this is some freaky stuff!
- "Changing my Lifestyle"=Going off chocolate...will...
- OH....IT's ON!!!
- I couldn't be prouder!
- Letter to the Lady in Zumba Class...
- Hopefully I'm not the only one that has this not-s...
- Why is it that I get these faces whenever I have t...
- If I were to create my Own World it would be...
- Annoying or Endearing?
- Self-proclaiming...Self-promotion...does that make...
- In my OTHER life...
- Letter to creepy guy that winked at me on his moto...
- Meltdown Part Deux...the end of a two part series....
- I hate it when I have a meltdown...but first you n...