Dear Creepy Guy Who Winked and at Me and Gave Me the Silent Kiss on Your Motorcycle:
It's not just that you looked like Dwight from THE OFFICE (I know second time I've mentioned that show in two posts), nor is it the fact that your Motorcycle looked like you stole it from the 60's and the rust was painted on...but it's that you WINKED and Silent Kissed at me?
There I was, waiting to turn right into the flow of traffic, minding my business, in my white Nissan Van pimpin' style...when I see you turning left coming towards me. Then you stare...and I'm like what?
Then you mouth something, I'm not a lip reader so I didn't pick it up, and then you gave me the wink and the silent kiss? **shudder**
I sat there dumbfounded...frozen in place while my opportunity to turn right passes by me. A horn honks and brings me back to the real world. I again look left and when an opening comes to turn right into the flow of traffic I take it.
I pulled out my phone and raced to catch up with you...there is NO way the dedicated readers of my humble and personal blog would do your nerdiness on a motorcycle look justice in their minds...I wanted a picture...I NEEDED proof. I failed.
You were too fast for me...your old rustic looking motorcycle, I'm assuming on its last days, out paced my too-hot-for-pimpin' van because I froze under pressure.
It was like high school all over again...where only the guys I didn't want after me...gave me the time of day. How many times have I fantasized about a hot guy off of a Abercrombie and Fitch Ad-ride up on his hot Harley Motorcycle and look over, see me, and give me that sexy wink with the seductive kiss because he just couldn't help himself...(really not many...but if I did...that is exactly how it would go)...but you pushed me back into time with that wink and silent reminded me of my pure luck to draw in the Dwight-type guys...the ones that I LOVED to talk to, but didn't want to kiss...
"Don't feel bad...everyone has different taste...there is someone out there for's ME not YOU!"
My advice to you would be:
*-Don't go winkin' and silent kissin' at ANY type of van because more than likely they are married and won't be interested anyway.
*Don't wink or silent kiss at's creepy...have someone video you doing it, you'll understand.
*Buy a helmet (full faced), buy some leathers...and play the it for your victims--unsuspecting ladies such as myself. Don't cause others to have to go through what I might cause an accident...and not in a good way.
*If you are going to be so bold as to wink and silent kiss at anyone you pass by to throw them off kilter--have the guts to slow down so they can catch up with you and take your picture to show their fellow bloggy friends! Cause they won't believe me...
You understand how that might be a problem right?
P.S. If you could leave a comment and let everyone know that what I am saying right now is true...that would be awfully nice of you...maybe include a picture of yourself on your motorcycle and a link to it?
AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH....I so wish I had been able to get a picture. Really!
One last thing...and I'm out...I'm not going to announce who I'm voting for, I am not one to argue politics...I did however watch the Republican Convention tonight and I'm just going to throw this out there...DANG...PALIN knows how to give a speech!
and...buh bye!
Oh wait...I got some more awards...seriously, when you beg--Things start to happen :) But better than actually receiving the awards is giving them out! WHOOOHOO!
Here we go:Untypically Jia gave me this and I want to hug her so tight...because I LOVE that she has this badge that says "ROCK ON" because I use to say that all the time in my high school coolio days!
So deserving of this award--and rules are you have to give it to Three other WOMEN you think ROCK! Then you have to let them know you gave them the award (which I'm not very good at BTW) Easy enough right? Wrong...because I have to narrow it down...and I really hate doing that...yet I love having the power to do it! It's like I'm pulling apart two parts of my soul! anyhow...
1. He Played Seven : First because she let me take pictures of her BEAUTIFUL five children...AND she claims she likes them...which makes us now eternally bonded! Plus I LOVE the way she writes and laughs at myself!
2. Brooke: Because I LOVE talking to her...I actually KNOW her and see her in the outside world...and she won one of my Giveaways which was the TWILIGHT one...and she is going to read it for me (actually for her but I like to assume I am her good influence!)
3. Shannon from my HOOD (you know who you are):
She is one strong woman...I look up to her...and I laugh almost every time I read one of her posts! Plus she is a friend from way back...she gets me!
Then Merrianne gave me this award:
There is no rules to this award--so I am awarding it to: Marie She has just fallen into peer pressure and is going to read TWILIGHT--love ya Marie, Kritta22, BINKS, ABRITDIFFERENT, Untypically Jia, Fam Five, Mrs. B, and American in Norway--because I heart you guys...I read you and you make me think or you are new friends that I feel like I've known forever!
NO PRESSURE...sending these on-but if you know someone that deserves a cool blog award button! JUST DO IT!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Letter to creepy guy that winked at me on his motorcycle...
Blog Letter
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Blog Archive
- Thank you...NEW CONTEST...and I WON!!!
- Don't You Hate It When...
- PeePs is Singing in the Rain...
- Friday Foto Finish Fiesta...Scooter Style!
- Dear Gum Smacking Lady at Spin Class
- I'm Lazy!
- Don't you hate it when....
- Praise or Criticism?
- My love-hate relationship with Dora the Explorer
- Part Two--this is some freaky stuff!
- "Changing my Lifestyle"=Going off chocolate...will...
- OH....IT's ON!!!
- I couldn't be prouder!
- Letter to the Lady in Zumba Class...
- Hopefully I'm not the only one that has this not-s...
- Why is it that I get these faces whenever I have t...
- If I were to create my Own World it would be...
- Annoying or Endearing?
- Self-proclaiming...Self-promotion...does that make...
- In my OTHER life...
- Letter to creepy guy that winked at me on his moto...
- Meltdown Part Deux...the end of a two part series....
- I hate it when I have a meltdown...but first you n...