Monday, June 8, 2009

Splash Mountain is deceitful!

I'm going to go ahead and show you that I'm not always perfect.

That I don't always have it all together... cause I KNOW that is how you think about me.

That Splash Mountain RIde is deceitful... and I don't know how I feel about that, being that it was at Disneyland.

You start off and everything is happy and makes you feel all warm inside. Then as you progress further into the ride the music gets creepier and the atmosphere gets darker... it's not fun anymore... no MR. NICE BEAR and RABBIT.  TOTALLY DECEITFUL!!!

Then you hit your first Drop... not the BIG one... but a medium size one... and if you are sitting inside the first 3 seats... and have a 6'4" 260 pound mostly-muscle-retired-college football player behind you adding more weight to the boat.  You'll get DRENCHED! 

Then you hit the BIG KAHUNA!!! I'm not gonna lie... it scared me.  My poor little girl!

OH!  And make sure you wear shorts that don't dry and look like you have peed your pants.

Just saying.

OH! and also OPEN your eyes on the drop or you'll look like a goof ball for your INFAMOUS picture! :)

Bet you don't know which one is me!!!  Love ya guys... hope your weekend was FUN!

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