Monday, June 22, 2009


I'm feeling kinda sentimental tonight.

I went on a flight up North to drop my son off for a football camp. It was a quick flight.

The plan was to take him in the morning, hang out with my sister and her kids for the day, and then fly home that night.

I got a slew of texts all day from MountainSport Man (MSM)--not normal. Some decent and some indecent, but all good.

The one I loved the most though. "When are you getting home? I miss you already". That was sent at 3 in the afternoon-- he SELDOM says stuff like that. I think I re-read it like 10 times.

When I got home this evening, I walked into the baggage claim area and there was My Guy.

Sitting there.

All by himself.

Waiting for me.

It had been less then 15 hours, but he was there to greet me when I got in, like I had been gone for weeks!

You see, he didn't need to be there. I drove myself to the airport and parked in 1 day parking.

Yet he had himself driven up to the airport so that he could drive me home.

It has to be one of the most romantic things he has done for me... because it was romance the way I like it... simple, small, yet such a moment of grandeur!!!

And I guarantee, I'll remember it always.

See I'm strange like that. I remember words and phrases because of how they made me feel. Those words or phrases once ordinary, become something extraordinary and special just to me, and between him and I.

One example of this is the word AMAZE...

To hear the rest of this story, and it's kinda worth it if I say so myself,
CLICK HERE... and comment over there because I'm turning comments off over here today! :)


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