Sunday, November 9, 2008

Don't You Hate It When-Break Dance Style...Come Play!

***Update: Voting doesn't start until Tuesday--Today you just get to enter and browse/laugh through the other entries(Kristina P. :)--she's so lucky I look forward to her humor everyday!)

Don't You Hate It When--

A kid can do what you have been trying to get for years!!! Luckily I gave up the break dance dream years ago...but this kid is so AMAZING!!! Thought you guys would enjoy it! Not humorous but definitely AWE inspiring! (Go to about 1:55 and be ready to say HOLY COW!!!)

Don't look now but my Hip-Hop class is performing for a community thing and just for blog funny purposes I might do it and record it. Then YEARS down the road I can pull out the video and reminisce at what was! lol! (that LOL was for you ANNIE)

So ready to play?

Here's a run down of what you need to know:

1. Don't you hate it when is the theme. Your post must TRY to be humorous or awe inspiring! You can link a picture, personal or not, tell a story, link to a video or post a personal long as it is attempting to make us Roll On Floor Laughing, or in text form (ROFL)! Click here for examples. Then add your name and the specific post for the contest to the MR. LINKY at the bottom. If you add a video, story, or picture that is NOT yours or originally yours...then you must give credit where credit is due. But you all know that.

2. Please remember to link back to my site so that others can play along with us!!!

3. Keep it clean in a PG-13 kinda way. If there is a post that is my eyes only...then I will be forced take them off, which I hate to be forced to do anything. And for those that feel they can judge and want to email me that they feel a post might be inappropriate...don't waste your time, because I will ignore long as I am okay with it...sorry, your opinion doesn't matter. But I still love ya! :)

4. Oh and Have Fun...most important must be able to laugh at your own posts! :)

Now you have TODAY to enter and voting starts tomorrow-Tuesday in a voting poll on my sidebar!

Here is what you are playing for:

This beautiful Quilt (just started, yet to be completed) that Kritta22 is making over at Protect and Provide ...And a $25.00 gift card from -------------

Now link up!



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