Thursday, August 20, 2009


Like I said last weekend we went to a family reunion on my husbands side!

I camped... that says a lot and re-iterates that it was my husbands side of the family... they are campers...(There's some fine print for ya!)

But seriously... it was a KOA, it had showers and toilets and a pool... I can't complain.

Anyway... I LOVE my nieces and nephews on both sides of the family and I never get to see enough of any of them. But today I'm highlighting one of the coolest little boys you will ever meet!

Meet my Nephew K-NOCKS...

the kid is a walking delight. There is no way you can hang out with him and not instantly crush on him... seriously, I'm hooked. Even when he screamed for a good 20 minutes because he didn't want to go to bed I still wuv wuv wuv him.

You dig?
So we took enough video of him that most would think he is our third child...but NO, we just think he's really cool! :)

Now look at what we captured during the reunion of the little guy...

Here he is swimming:

Here he is trying to knock down one of those punchy bag blow up things... at first the punch bag thing is winning, but K-Nocks wins in the end!

This video makes me laugh of my niece...she looks like one of those zero gravity videos you see the astronauts do... where they can't quite seem to control what's happening to them...


So this is my question for you guys today... did the way I "camped" (we were in a tent mind you) qualify as "roughing it" if I'm not a regular camper? Or do I have to poo and pee in nature? Just wondering.

Random Thought Friday for tomorrow... so get your best Random Thought out let's see whose thought makes us LOL and ROFL and LMBO!!! There were MANY last week... but if you're friends with me, there is an infinite number of random thoughts going through your brain, and it's okay if they all don't make sense... let them out in my comment box!

Until Friday!


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