Tuesday, December 16, 2008


***UPDATE: Okay here are the TOP TWO--except for there was a tie amongst the panel, so to appease everyone, and because it's my contest, my rules (which can change at anytime)-- And just to clairfy...my panel consisted of people that don't read my blog often (except for one of them who is UBER dedicated!... and I knew would show no impartiality--but whomever wins...it was probably someone's Aunt/Cousin/Sister in law twice removed--so I'm just getting that out there so no one can argue later!!!)

Here are the top TWO/THREE in NO particular order:
1. Emily/Sewl--we all agreed that she has had some ROUGH times...yet we laughed at her!!! (goes to show who I selected to judge)

2. Binks--She has entered many times...but I honestly laughed SO hard at this...partially because I have a similar experience that I'll have to tell you about someday...but this post had just the right CREEPY/DRY-Heave/Funny mix-which won the panel over!!!

3. Lisa at the CLan of the cave Hair--I'm sorry, but this one literally made me vomit in my mouth...really it did...and then I had just finished Binks' and was nautious the rest of the day! We all agreed that if we weren't vomiting in our mouths we would have been ROFL--but that would have caused major clean up!

Congrats ladies. Now it is up to your FANS to vote for you!

The rules about voting--there are no rules...Vote as many times as you want! And the winner will be determed by 5pm MST on December 18, 2008 (Thursday).
Holy Gross, funny, crazy, and just Freaky funny you guys are! Seriously! Way to really put my panel to the test...this is hard to choose!

Sometime today I will announce with an update on this post who the top two are...then it is up to you to choose who the Grand Prize Winner is.

I kept reading..."I am going to enter again in hopes of winning or I'm going to enter ONE more time"--come on guys...make this seem like BINGO where you just keep trying and trying to be the one who ultimately stands up making a fool out of themselves...but they don't care because they WON!!!

So just keep doing it...just keep entering and being a part of the club! Some day YOU will be the ultimate fool standing up and waving your hands around, and all of us will smile, yet think in the back of our brains..."they must know the person yelling the numbers...this thing is fixed!" Yet we will show up next week to play again anyway!!!

Be like that...K...

Cause I look forward to hearing from you guys...even if it might only be once a month now!

Now quiet children...I need to read along with these other qualified judges on my panel to decide who is up for this month's Don't You Hate It When Grand Prize!!!



P.S. I'm more of a BUNCO chick...I just want that out there...BINGO is not really my style! But I used BINGO as my example...because I didn't remember I liked BUNCO better until after and I'm not very good at editing, you would know that if you read my BLOG faithfully...

So insert BUNCO for BINGO for me! Thanks!

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