Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Stuff, ideas, and links...and stuff...and ideas...and links...

Yea! My internet is back up! Thank goodness!

And it never found out I cheated on it...because if it had, I'm pretty sure I would be covert again today out of spite from it...

Either way, YEA FOR ME!!!

Okay well I have so many things running through my brain that I don't know where to start so I'll just start. These are upcoming things and things I want to tell you about...so one of those posts.

First of all...I haven't ABANDONED the Don't you Hate It When contest...I just took a break. Thanks Nan for still having faith in it! lol! And even April Showers did a Don't You Hate It when posts, but I don't think she did it in honor of my contest or anything, but it was still a good read!

I am going to do one in a couple of weeks, but I need some more STUFF to give away! I have a few things...which I'm stoked about, but I want people to feel like they are getting a haul from posting something embarrassing...ya know? So if you want to DONATE something to the contest and have me SHOUT your praises, please email me @ blokthoughts@gmail.com...I would LOVE to hear from you, and so would the contestants!!! :)

If you have never heard of my DON'T YOU HATE IT WHEN contest then...WAKE UP!!! Okay I kid...then read here, and then it has a link for the rules on there also... its great fun, and everyone can do what I do almost EVERY TIME I post...embarrass themselves!!! :) Seriously, how fun is that?

Next on the Agenda is about the HOT MOMS BLOG...I'm pretty sure I'm going to do it, but I'm still looking for someone to design it. Then I'm going to allow so many contributors and we will just have a fun HE said SHE said sort of duel with the HOTDADS blog...which they most likely won't even KNOW about...hahahahaha...OH I LOVE IT!

But it won't ONLY be for that. I think it would be fun to just hear what WOMEN have to say about ALL kinds of stuff that we don't have to HOLD back on because it's a certain rating of blog, like PG or PG-13, and that we don't feel we can talk about on our OWN blogs...but that we can talk about ANYTHING!!! I mean there will be rules, like you still need to be classy when you talk (language and that sort of thing), but I mean more the SUBJECT you talk about it...ANYTHING goes!

I KNOW it could be a great RELEASE for me sometimes. Although, I don't hold TOO much back on this blog...I'll give you that.

So anybody know a great designer that I can pay millions of bucks to to design our great new blog? And when I say millions I mean the FAMILY discount...FREE.

Oh!oh! and I wanted to thank everyone for voting for me for HOTTEST MOMMY BLOGGER of 2009 and that have voted for me so far (You had to make a login and everything to vote...I get the strain on your time, extra hugs)!

A 107 of YOU...minus 100!!!

Thanks so much...it's definitely helping my self-esteem one vote at a time. I mean, before this nomination my self-esteem was in RUINS...cried every night about it I did, but NOW, NOW I can LIVE again...I can walk down the street with my HOTTEST MOMMY BLOGGER badge (homemade by PeePs) and feel like a REAL person again...ya know? (sarcasm is very heavy in this paragraph...but get what you want from it).


Now I just want to end by telling you about a GREAT website that Crash has started, being her cyberspace twin and all it makes me SO PROUD...it's called THE MAGIC QUILT! Talk about a GREAT cause and bawling your eyes out!!! You have to check it out...so neat! I have every intention of sending a fabric and a story...wanted to be first, but I'm somewhat of a procrastinator...and will do it, and hopefully soon, but ya know what I mean...

But honestly ladies and gents...check it out! You won't be sorry!


I've recently been on a HEALTH food kick since that last post about Guilt FOODS!!!

Guess what I had last night...keep in mind I am NOT a fish person...

Sweet Potato's and SHRIMP Kabobs!

Since I proclaim to be an addict to food that is NOT good for me...

You might as well call it MONKEY BRAINS and ELEPHANT TESTICLES...because that is how foreign the stuff is to me.

It wasn't bad though...and my stomach hasn't been protruding OUT all the time like I'm one step away from 3 months pregnant. It's fabulous!

More about that tomorrow...because i want to get some ideas on how to combine good foods together to make some more tastey meals!



Other things to read

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