Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I am having a moment of silence for my LOST followers.


...I hope they are all okay and that there life just got TOO busy to involve my small and humble blog to their high demands.

I hold no grudge. I understand. It's a 'I scratch your back you scratch my back', kinda world...and lets just say I haven't done a lot of scratching lately. I've wanted to. But it's just not my fault. I blame the economy and lost lap top time and no time to go COVERT at the library.

But when I get my new phone...I will scratch all the time...if not first! And when I say scratch I mean comment.

I say this in the name of all holy blogs...Amen or Awomen or Apeople to keep it equal.

OKAY! Now...DON'T YOU HATE IT WHEN contest going on TOMORROW!!!

That's right. So SPREAD the word and get those posts ready because look at what you get to win, IF you win...

Emily from Art-n-Sewl is DONATING this beautiful 16X20 art piece!!! Here are pictures of it!

I'm not going to lie...I WANT THIS SO BAD. But I'm a giver...and I'm going to allow it to be won, instead of going through with the contest and then announcing that I WON anyway...

With this Beautiful art work you will receive a $25.00 gift card from AMAZON...because I feel that I should donate as well...and I love me some AMAZON!

Click here for the rules, examples, and the lowdown of what will go on tomorrow!

Remember a panel of highly qualified funny bloggers, whom I trust, pick the top two entries (posted tomorrow on MR. LINKY) and place them for a vote on Thursday morning...then by Friday Morning we find out who the WINNER is! Easy, fast, and FUN!

Seriously guys...thanks for reading me day in and day out. I love ya


P.S. I like to comment via email to some of your comments...it feels more personal that way...but some of you are not LINKED up to your emails...so in order for me to email you back about something you commented about and you have a blogger account...just go into your
*Then under PRIVACY there is a box next to "Show my email address"-just click on that box. What it means is that when you make a comment on my blog...I can then click on your comment in my email box and reply back to your email and we can converse!!!
I LOVE talking to you guys on a more one on one basis.
*Make sure to hit SAVE PROFILE and VIOLA! You've done it!!!
Thanks guys!

Other things to read

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