Just Real Fast: Shannon over at the NutHouse...gave me a sweet reward...and I just wanted to publicly thank her...check here to see what the award is...I want to reward it to others so here is how they say to choose the 5 people it should go to:
Do you know any bloggers that kick a#$? Maybe they've got incredible, original content. Or they're overflowing with creativity. Is it someone that helps you become a better blogger? Or a bloggy friend you know you can count on? Or maybe it's someone who simply inspires you to be a better person... or someone else who sends you to the floor, laughing your (butt) off.
So thanks Shannon...you're the best! And I'm giving the reward to Binks: Because she is hilarious and not enough people know about her! Mrs.B-because she is a witch...literally(I think that falls into the overflowing with creativity category)! Candid Carrie-because she lets me participate in Friday Foto Finish Fiesta and Field trips and we google chat...which is totally awesome! Such the Spot: Because I blog stalk her and she doesn't even know it...oh hey, if you are visiting, Hi...I blog stalk you! Finally--Insane Mama and her live-in boyfriend Pee in the Wind...because Insane Mama's stuff is raw and written extremely well...and Pee in the Wind because he's just real...tells it like it is!--I probably won't tell them I gave them this award...because they don't even really know me...well her boyfriend doesn't...so if you know them...and want to pass on the news...that would be appreciated! lol!
Also T-over here gave me the Brillant Blog award again and I wanted to give her a public shout out also...seriously guys...I'm glad somebody realizes my true star potential! :) Okay back to the regular scheduled programming! :)
I'm sorry it's another tooth post...this one does NOT have to do with my co-workers (thank goodness)...
I am so obsessed to the point of psychotic when it comes to teeth...I don't know what it is, but I feel teeth are a very distinguishing factor of anyone!
I cringe when I see yellow teeth...they make me somewhat sick to my stomach...if that makes me shallow...then don't dive in me, because I am just that shallow! I'm sorry but it's true.
What makes it all worse...is that I don't have ridiculously perfect teeth like most of my family members...(I'm not gonna lie here or sugar coat anything, but most of them received this perfection through braces...except for one, my older brother, Traveler...his are natural and I hate him for it!)...anyway, I have spaces in my teeth, but they are white and clean and I take them to the Dentist to get worked on and prettied up...but they are not perfect by any means...
yet I judge...it's a true fact...and if I can't be honest here, on my blog, then I'm lost...so here is my total human state for you to condem and judge...it's okay, I have broad shoulders, just remember this picture?
Anyhow, I should have been a dentist or a Hygenist or something, except I would vomit all over any patient who had abbhorent teeth...and then I would be fired with no really good references and then where would I be? So, I didn't go that route...
Being a Mom you have to deal with some pretty nasty stuff...like poop, and vomit, and boogers...and the list goes on. I'm okay with that stuff...except for the smell of vomit, it makes me vomit, so maybe cross vomit of my list of stuff I can handle as a mom...so just make it poop and boogers...but give me that any day then having to deal with this...
A tooth falling out and leaving a redneck space in the middle of his nice set of teeth! I know...sick right? I'm silently dry heaving in my mouth while looking at this picture...Besides yellow teeth, I have found I HATE loose teeth on kids. They shake and shimmy and play with it until it falls out and it just plain makes me squirm...and my kid knows it...This is all I asked for...a pleasant smile, kinda hide the sick part of the gross, empty, redneck space in your tooth, so we can document this and I can lay down and find my balance again, because the sight of it was making me sick!
What a good little man...
and weird...I'll be the first to admit...I have strange children. I'm sure part of that stems from me and my crazy raising of them...but part of that is natural, and scary...yet I love it...does that make me strange or normal?
I mean, my daughter sat and begged for me to take pictures of her reaction to DCar's space in his once perfect, beautiful, set of 6-year old teeth...
She wanted to show you guys what my face looked like when DCar showed me his yuck dead tooth...(I think she came pretty close)
And how I looked when he showed me the space in his mouth...(I think I was a little more like "ewww" faced...but this was her thing...and who was I to argue?)
Then she had to show us DCar's reaction to making me squirm and getting me all sicked out! Sweet of her right?
But then DCar had to do this...He said that is how I truly looked when I saw his mouth...he thinks it's hilarious that I am so sicked out by it...he would constantly say, "Hey Mom...look!" and I would look over and he would push his tooth out with his tongue...GROSS!!!
Well he is really proud of himself. He walked to school with extra excitement in his step...couldn't wait to show all his new grill...or lack thereof!
I must have some surpressed memory with my own teeth and falling out and being yellow and such.
So what do you think it is? I need to know? What is it with me and teeth?
Monday, August 25, 2008
What is about me and teeth?
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Blog Archive
- GIVEAWAY: If it were more interesting, I would ha...
- I love Daddy More...Mommy!
- I model...it's what I do...
- Letter to Lady with Witch Nose...
- What is about me and teeth?
- Putting life into perspective--The Last Lecture
- Looks AND personality!
- You want to say something? I have a song for it!
- First day of school...and my Brand New Niece!
- Do you feel that YOU as a Mormon woman get treated...
- There's something vibrating in my luggage! FRIDAY...
- The one thing I learned about my ancestor's that h...
- FINALE SYTYCD my opinion...uhhh a little late!
- Finally I'm Back!!! Spread the word...
- Travel Day