I have baby on the mind...These pics were taken and edited by my sister-in-law's twin sister Mikki...Captured by Mikki is her website and she is an incredible photographer!
But anyway...I have baby on the mind. Not that I particularly want one right now...it's just I love to be reminded of how they smell, what quirky faces they pull when they are trying to awake from their breastmilk induced state...it's priceless, they are priceless.
It's great because I get to see my new little niece quite a bit because they have to come over to the house to use the computer! So I get to get my baby fix.
But it also reminds me of how sweet MY little ones were...
for crying out loud...
why does it ever have to go from sweet smelling, love with out end in their eyes because you changed their diaper, or gave them food..you know, contentment...
to this conversation yesterday...
ME: "PeePs, I love you. You know that?"
PeePs: "No....I no love you Mom...I love Daddy!"
Me: "You can love both Mommy and Daddy...and I love you!"
PeePs: "No"...with a smile, "I love Daddy Mommy...I no love you."
Okay I know she probably doesn't mean it...but being the mature mother that I am...I decided to make sure she learned something from this "TALK" we were having...
Me: "Fine...then I'm not taking you to pre-school anymore." Totally mature...I know.
PeePs: "Moooommm...you no take me to Pre-School then I cry at home!" in a whiny voice.
Me: "Well when you love ME then I will take you to Pre-School."
PeePs: "Okay, Daddy take me to Pre-School!" in a excited...I've figured it out voice! "I love Daddy...I no love you Mommy, OKay?"
Me: "Okay, you don't have to love me, PeePs...but when we go to the store today...I can't get you that treat I promised because I only get it for those kids that LOVE me...so I'll have to take DCar with me so I can get him a treat..." Bribery is always OKAY as long as it is for a good cause!
PeePs: Silence..."Mommy, I love you...I just kidding"...Laughs..."I come with you to store and get treat...okay?"
Me: "Oh good...I was hoping you would come around!" I smiled...victory was Mine again! Even if her love was forced!!!
And then I remembered this commercial--and seeing how babies are the theme of this post, sort of, but not really...I thought you might get your laugh of the day from it...ENJOY!