Eyes are the window's to our soul! Or that is what people say...I say that they are just plain beautiful...blue, green, hazel, or brown! I love this picture of my daughter's eyes...
But I also love GIVEAWAY'S...so after checking out CandidCarrie's Friday Foto Finish Fiesta...then come back...K?
I have hit another of those precious landmarks that I never thought possible! I can't believe there are more and more of you that are reading my junk! It makes me extremely happy and helps me to feel more important than really possible...which helps my ego...which in turns makes me push myself to do even more, okay most of the time I just stand there dumbfounded...I pick the dry boogers from my nose and contemplate the big issues of the world...like what I did to make you want to read my blog!
Never coming up with an answer...I just try to do what is the next best thing...which is to bribe you to keep being my friend, coming to visit my blog, and in turn helping me be a person with a VERY big head.
People that see me in real life don't realize how very important I am becoming...I am thinking of getting a tattoo on my head to advertise my new found fame...lol...okay I kid, but people do that you know, put tattoo's on their forehead to advertise for people in exchange for money...
In case any of you are contemplating that...let me just remind you that it is PERMANENT...and that even if you tried to get it removed, that it will still be a faded scar of what it once was! So I suggest...not doing that...
Now that I have warned you and did my good deed for the day...let me think where I was going with this?...oh yes BRIBERY...
I am off to go camping during this lovely Labor Day weekend...they don't have internet where I am going...jerks...and I procrastinated my blog pre-writing...so I am doing a GIVEAWAY to bribe you to stay with me and THANK YOU for upping my numbers that I check daily, like I pee in the morning without fail after I wake-up!!!
Yea for my procrastination right? Right! So while I suffer in the elements of nature this weekend...I want to see how many comments and LURKERS I can get to come out of the closet!
That's right...you know who you are...rub my ego a little and write a comment...and guess what? You can win a prize! I don't want a flimsy comment(check out definition number 2!) like "HI"...totally lame. I want a comment with substance (check out definition number 4!)...
So in order to win the prize of this particular giveaway you need to answer the following question:
If you could hang out with ANYONE in the blogosphere...who would it be and why?
Crazy question right? I just am interested...you see, I blog stalk, read a lot and I find myself thinking...man I would really like to be able to call that person and have their kids play with mine...talk to them, laugh with them, cry with them. I would like to just watch them, one day, go throughout their day...see if they are as interesting in person as they seem to be on their blog!
To be honest...if I had to pick just ONE person...there are many...but just ONE person...it would probably be The Pioneer Woman...her blog was one of the FIRST blogs I came upon that I went back to consistently...laughed at her wittiness, cried when she lost her dog, fell in love with her photography, and just plain like how honest she is and what a go getter she seems to be--okay all that AND there is a BIG FACTOR that she lives on a Ranch and has lots of horses...and I love horses...engrossed by them is to humble a word...to the point that I am awed in their presence! lol...it's like I use to go to my friends house for her computer when I was in second grade...I loved playing the game Family Feud...so I would go over to her house and after a minute of pretending to think about what we should do...I would say, "Oh I know...we should play your computer and play the Family Feud game!"...
So tell me who you would hang out with, link to them if possible, and ONE lucky person will win a $50.00 gift card to AMAZON.com!!! I know...love it, embrace it, and comment! You have until Tuesday Noon time (MST)! Let's start small...let's see if I can get 20 comments, or 30, or we could be wild and crazy and hit 35!!! WHOOOHOOO!!!
Have a good Labor Day!
UPDATE: 26 comments people? I thought I'd come back from the weekend and have like...ummmm...100! Wow you should see my head right now...totally deflated...oh well--the lucky winner will have me doing an impression of them,and let's face it, who wouldn't want that! lol! Can't wait for you guys to read my post about this weekend...let's just say, my love for camping hasn't grown at all! :)...STAY TUNED!!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
GIVEAWAY: If it were more interesting, I would have a better title!
Games and Contests
Other things to read
10 years
Annoying Habits
Bathroom stories
Blog Letter
Blog Makeover
Blog Surfing
Blog design
Blok Holidays
Brutally Honest Monday
Deep Questions
Dirty Little Secret
Don't you hate it when
Etiquette lessons
Extended Family
Extended Family Events
Foot in Mouth
Friday Foto Finish Fiesta
Fun with Fam
Games and Contests
Hawaii Vacation
Here's your sign
I need your Knowledge and help
I won
I'm cool
If that wasn't funny...I don't know what is
Just Cause
Just being Crazy
Linking up
MountainSport Man
My song
My thoughts...so endure it
New Year
New York Trip
Parenting (Venting) Fun
Pet Peeve
Posting somewhere else
Random Life Events
Random THoughts
Real World
Reality TV My opinion
Results for the giveaway
Serious Thoughts Sunday
The Gospel Posts (My personal feelings)
These are a few of my favorite things
TimeLess Tuesday
What I meant to say
What Would You Rather
Word-Filled Wednesday
Workout woes
Wow Information
about me
advice from others
blog friends
blog vacation
broken collar bone
job loss
shout outs
staring re-post
the fight started
uplifting things
walmart photos
Blog Archive
- GIVEAWAY: If it were more interesting, I would ha...
- I love Daddy More...Mommy!
- I model...it's what I do...
- Letter to Lady with Witch Nose...
- What is about me and teeth?
- Putting life into perspective--The Last Lecture
- Looks AND personality!
- You want to say something? I have a song for it!
- First day of school...and my Brand New Niece!
- Do you feel that YOU as a Mormon woman get treated...
- There's something vibrating in my luggage! FRIDAY...
- The one thing I learned about my ancestor's that h...
- FINALE SYTYCD my opinion...uhhh a little late!
- Finally I'm Back!!! Spread the word...
- Travel Day