Friday, June 11, 2010

Barbalootsuit Guest Contributes about What NOT to say to SIngle people!


BARBALOOTSUIT is Guest Contributing over at Real World today!!!


What NOT to say to SINGLE people!

Here is an excerpt:

There's a trend among those of you that have been out there enjoying your marital bliss. You want to hear about the lives of those who don't have it, give them advice, help them on their way, share how great it get the drift. While we may (or may not) appreciate the thought, here is a guide of things you should avoid saying if you prefer to not have your throat ripped out.

-So, why are you still single? Well, sometimes I wonder if it's cuz I kinda walk like a duck..? Or maybe it's because I'm too introverted and don't give people the chance to get to know me..? It could be my complete lack of interest in the NBA and refusal to pretend otherwise..? I mean really, it'd probably be easier if you just asked us for a list of our insecurities

I learned stuff. GO over and learn, or laugh, with me!

*post about my little PeePs below, it has to do with dancing and makeup!


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