I'm writing the FEMALE PERSPECTIVE on when I knew my husband had the IT factor over at The Real World Venus vs. Mars click HERE... Come on over!
Here is a little sneak peek:When did I know my spouse had the IT factor?
I was 18 when I met him.
At that time boys or men or guys were more a tool than anything else. Not a tool as in they bugged me but a tool as in they helped me... hehehe in th
e best way possible.
Guys for me were more for FREE movies, dinners, rides, clothes, travel, help with homework, and for a feel good make out session every once in a while. I also had a select few guys that were more the brother-friend type that I hung out with all.the.time. but could and would never think of doing anything more with then just be really good friends because that would be like doing MORE with your brother... and that's just wrong (plus I was never their type, as they eventually found out).
I didn't really NOTICE my husband at first. He was just another guy that started to hang around my group of friends. In fact, one day at a football game we both attended he attempted to say HI to me and I had NO idea who he was at first, and as soon as it dawned on me how I knew him (while giving him the nice HI-back-but-I-don't-know-you nod and smile) I still couldn't remember his name.