Friday, July 10, 2009

Kritta slapped me from behind! FFFF Pics!

I'm leaving on a Jet Plane you guys... and its about FREAKING time!!!

MSM and I are going on Vacation. Kids get to spend time with Grandma, Grandpa, and cousins and we are taking off!

But guess what is happening during that time?

Guess what my BBFF did for me?

Ya'll know Kritta? Sewing and Mom extraordinaire??? She wants to pull me out of my HOMELESS corner... she wants to save me from pimping myself out so to speak.

Remember how I told you that I have been entering all these contests to win a BLOG Makeover?

I've been sitting on my street corner panhandling and Kritta finally felt sorry for me and put money in my cup! Or got me a BLOG MAKEOVER!!! Can you believe that? She didn't do it in front of my face either... she didn't it behind my back! (The best kind of friend if you ask me) My eyes runneth over as I jumped up and down for joy! I was going to be getting a face lift! But the kindness doesn't end there... I get a tummy tuck, microdermabrasion, and boob job... I might not look the same from the OUTSIDE... but I will still be the same on the inside... just looking more like a Victoria Secret model instead of my current state of homelessness, dirty, white trash who has chocolate letter cut outs.

All of this is happening starting this weekend into the next week.

So I will be taking my REAL LIFE vacation AND my Blog cation at the same time.

If I get a chance to update and/or post... ya KNOW I will cause I'm highly dedicated to this blog and don't go anywhere without my lap top. But if you don't hear from me here... you will know why!

But I'll still be on TWITTER!!! Your. Welcome! :)

In the mean time.

My kids are not allowed to get on my computer. They get it dirty and ruin stuff fast... so mine is off limits. We have another one for them... our old one.

So you will understand that I was surprised when I saw this evidence that they don't listen to me!!!

They even involved their friend on the crime!!!
I can't believe they would do that behind my back... it looks like that is happening a lot around these parts.

Well here is some pictures to remember ME by... until we meet again!

Join Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Finish Fiesta!

And THANKS KRITTA... I LUB YOU!!! And I can't wait for Creative Blog Designs to do my major surgery!!!

***I will still be getting your comments on my phone while I'm away... so PLEASE PLEASE comment and give me your funniest random comment to keep me entertained!!! PUH-LEASE!!!

When I get my new makeover I'm going to be starting a MOST FAVORITE COMMENT OF THE WEEK series... ya'll be the stars and YOU WILL love it!!!


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