April 20, 2008
We MountainSport Man decided to get out and have some family time on the trampoline! So I gathered my camera and one lens...yes, sadly, still only the one lens...and headed out back to go and take some action shots...that I knew still wouldn't be to my satisfaction because of...you guessed it, the one lens. Actually, we got some fun ones, and the exercise on the tramp didn't kill me, but I will admit that everytime I jumped I felt all the blood rush up to my head and instantly I had a headache..man I am getting old...but DCar was showing me his new "back-flip", which is kind of to the side, and then MountainSport Man showed me HIS back flip/gainer...so I couldn't be out done...watch and take notes ladies and gents!
Not bad...he went straight back on that one! Good job sweetheart!
Not bad...he went straight back on that one! Good job sweetheart!
Nice height honey! Impressive!
Where you attempting a layout here? on purpose? Hmmm...My turn now! I'm going to do what both of you can't do because you were blessed with MountainSport Man Flexibility...aka zilch!lol!
First I'll get the back flip out of the way!
I thought to throw a herkie out there just because I was feeling the vibe...I was never a cheerleader so don't let me confuse you...I attempted...this is what we got...and that's that! (I love my cheering section...can't beat love and praise from two people that think you can do NO wrong and that you are the coolest ever, because they haven't really seen COOL yet!)
Song I wish I could play on the guitar and sing: Jewel "Foolish Games"
Lot's of Love, Shelle