Friday, February 12, 2010

You guys are Debbie Downer's for Valentine's for real!

So I LOVE valentines day.

Plus all you all are saying you hate it... and let's just say... I could never hate it.

And we need some positive light shed on this lovely day.

WHy is it so bad to think about love or romance or anything like that? It's not that bad of a deal. Everyone loves SOMEONE right? Best friend, family, lover, spouse... whatever.

But that isn't really why I love Valentine's Day. Nor is the fact that I L-O-V-E Romantic Comedies that roll out around this time of year...

Sidenote: I should mention here that my hubs kinda has it bad. We have our Anniversary, Valentine's, and well another special day where someone gets one year more mature! :) And so ROMANTICALLY Valentine's day get's thrown in the wash... come to think of it... all three usually do, but attempts are made at the Anniversary and the OTHER one... but not Valentines... except for the one Valentine's where I totally got a love letter. I kid you not! I might have screamed and cried and begged for it. But it was one of the most beautiful things ever received EVER in my life and I still have it to this day folded up in my scriptures. True Story. WORDS the written word... goes a long way for me. I married someone that hates to write... go figure.

But I love Valentine's mostly because of the candy and baked goods.

It's true. My love of holidays falls in order and priority of what candy and baked goods gets dished out that time of year.

For instance:

THese lovely Little Debbie treats are bought by the 10's and in WareHouse amounts at my house.

and then there is Rocky Mountain Caramel Chococlates. They are served year round, but we only get them this time of year.

And the Conversation Hearts. I LOVE them... especially the old ones, not the new sweet tart ones but the older ones... yum.

And SOUR balls.

And Heart shaped Reese's Peanut Butter things.

And cinnamon hearts.

And cinnamon anything.


Red is one of my most favorite colors. Plus I look mostly good in it. Well I did with my brunette hair.

I don't know.

Just doesn't seem like a bad day to me.

Plus... I'm going to teach my kids how to put a Valentine's on a fishing pole string and go knock on their friends doors and we run and hide and when their friends answer the door and go to pick it up we are going to slowly reel it in to keep it out of their reach... and then drop on the ground and roll around laughing and pointing our fingers!

OH first challenge is up at BLOGVIVOR... I have to write a poem... I SUCK AT POEMS. Secretly pass me your creative poems and if I win you get half the loot! I'll be posting about the challenge as soon as I make what it says I'm suppose to make (a Valentine)... Scissors... glue...sniffing glue... should be a blast. I'm going to VLOG most of my entries... I bet you guys are SUPER stoked about it also!

Later, Have a good or sucky Valentine's day...depending on your view!

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