Monday, February 15, 2010

Harv's Soul-and his Valentine.

First Challenge for the BLOGVIVOR is to make a Valentine for Harv. Here is Harv. In case you couldn't see, he's a puppet. This needs to be noted for when you read my poem at the bottom of this post. Thank you. And continue...

We had to make this Valentine with our BARE hands. No E-cards or WiFi/3G internet allowed.

Scissors, paper, and glue... like the pioneer days.

Since I'm not that old which means I'm way bad at crafts so saying old justifies why I'm no good at them I had to google "How to Make an Olden Time Valentine".

I kid I kid.

i didn't.

But I did drag my husband and I with the kids to the local Walmarts (I meant to say Walmarts people... that's not a typo. My MIL calls it the Walmarts and it makes me laugh every time) to pick up that old fashioned construction paper. And some glitter pens.

Then we got home and had a family night out of it. My husband cut out hearts and I thought up a poem and taught my kids how to take Elmer's glue and put a bunch of it in the palm of your hand and then spread it out thin all over your hands and let it dry and then peel it off like dead skin. Good times.

Here is the by-product love child of our family Valentine craft night.

I know...I know. I should do a blog where I do a Valentine a day for 365 days and then have a movie made about it and a book published.

Anyway. I also have to share the poem I wrote...I did this all on my lonesome which is why it sucks rocks... but it makes me laugh and my husband is totally embarrassed that I'm even allowing people to read it... or that I'm claiming it. But if you think of SOUL and PUPPET... you should get my sick humor in this poem. (When your dealing with monkeys bouncing around in your head all day... this is the kind of stuff that comes from it. Just sayin.)

Harv's Soul
a poem written by Shelle Blokhead-a zero published poem author nor has she ever written a poem ever in her life except for in 11th grade English because the teacher would let her get out of it and she had no other choice but to write a poem and then I'm sure someone else really wrote it.
tap tap tap *uh hmmm*

I wish your soul
Could be my hand
Making two become one.

Then we could start a band
And sing about love... or not.

Because it would be our band
And your soul would be my hand.

I know. I've missed my calling in life.


P.S. You guys should know that they have already made the teams for this BLOGVIVOR contest. So you can't play... but you can support! And you will have to put up with reading about the challenges and giving me great ideas to win all the great prizes. If your idea helps me win... I for sure split the loot with ya'll!

P.P.S. I also wrote a post over at Real World yesterday. It's about cutting the apron strings. And basically... I believe you guys may have some opinions on that!!!

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