Wednesday, February 3, 2010

WIMTSW--You suck.

It's that time of the week for Chief's What I Meant To Say Was or WIMTSW...

Subject: Half Marathon... after telling a "friend" that I was training for a 1/2 Marathon she said, "Oh! I'd never do one of those again! It was so hard and the worst experience I've ever had!"

Me: "Did you train for it?"

Her: "Well kind of. I did a few small runs before and then did a 10 mile walk the weekend before so I wouldn't wear out my body."

What I said: "Yea I know it will be hard but I am going to do it no matter how much I hate it when I'm done, but I hope that I don't hate it because I'm training for it so I hope it will be a good experience and I'll be ready for it."

WIMTSW: "That LAST thing someone wants to hear when they are putting themselves out there to do something and train for it is how HORRIBLE it is. Seriously, leave that info to yourself. Nobody wants a Debbie Downer when they have HOPE they are going to survive!!!

and I wanted to say...

You SUCK."

Okay... Hop on over to Chief's. Just click the pretty picture above and see who else is playing!


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