You know when you had to read in school but you brain was just TOO tired to read???
I remember that.
I loved reading... but sometimes my brain just couldn't take one more plot!
So I would look at pictures books and make up my own stories in my mind. I kid you not!
Since my mind is still temporarily out of service.
Here is a picture post about PeeP's last day of summer and first day of school... and then, and THEN, she...sniff...well, you'll see...
See PeePs wear her swimming suit and rain boots for the last day of summer, may they R.I.P.

PeePs loved her rain boots. She wore them almost everyday like her swimming suits.

See PeePs sick of Mom taking her picture of her last day of freedom! (Mom's first day of freedom, at least for 2 1/2 hours! Can I get an A.Men.)

See PeePs' first day of school outfit. See PeePs giddy and excited.

See PeePs humor Mom and take a picture in front of her pre-school play ground! :) Take a look for the last time of PeePs' long, long, hair that she hated to get combed because "
Cinderella's rats slept with her at night".
See PeeP's long hair intact for the last seconds of it's life. (can you tell this was a bit unnerving for me?)

See PeePs' excitement that her hair was cut/hacked off! PeePs loves loves loves her "bouncy" hair!

See PeePs happy and content that Mom finally allowed her to cut off her hair.
Hope you enjoyed your picture book, reading level 1. Now you can sign off your fifteen minutes and turn in your homework!!!