Happy Holidays and New Year... and all that.
Well since I was a procrastinator lazy bum of the worst sort I never got my annual email letter out to all of my friends and family and Loved Ones!!!
That includes some of you... I'm horrible, and did I mention lazy?
I just wanted you to know that MountainSport Man, Me, DCar, and PeePs are all very blessed and are so thankful for this last year. AS we could do better in all spiritual aspects of our lives, we strive everyday to be better and know more about our Saviour and our Father in Heaven and the gospel that helps us everyday get to know them better.
As far as the family goes:
School and work have gone well for MSM. He has one more semester and then we have to grow up and start our lives!!! We will be job hunting and probably moving and life will definitely change for us... and we hope for the better! :)
I have completely fallin in love with my new mistress, my photography. I have made it into a business and I have been, for me, successful. I have been able to learn and do so much with it this year that I feel as if my little baby of a hobby has sprouted legs and is taking off better than I had ever imagined. I am indeed lucky. I still work at my other airline job and absolutely LOVE, still, the people I work with and am not sure I could ever give it up... so hopefully I won't have to no matter what happens after my BFF, MSM, graduates!
DCar continues to fully involve himself in being master of his domain. That is the kids of the neighborhood. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't have at least 3 friends tagging along at our house. For some reason it is OUR house that they tend to migrate to. But I like it. He also plays soccer, baseball, basketball and you will usually find him either jumping on the tramp, riding anything with wheels, and/or playing Xbox or Wii. So he's a normal 7 year old boy. Next year he turns 8... I'm going to have an 8 year old! He will be baptized... I'm getting old... But the kid continues to have a soft heart, in fact, for Christmas he wrapped up an empty bucket. When we opened it and had confused looks on our faces he explained, "It's a bucket of love Mom and Dad."
Yea... I shed some tears.
PeePs is the average 4 year old going on 29 year old! She is a ham, has a mind of her own, and absolutely-positively adores her Dad! And believe you me, the guy is wrapped around her little finger. But to be honest I adore her probably just as much or more. She is a total girl. Bugs frighten her, she plays dress up, she tries to boss her big brother around with hands on her hips and EVERYTHING, and she is in dance... tap ... LOVES it!
I did try putting her in soccer this last year, and if you have read this blog for any amount of time you will know what a mistake THAT was! But I'm going to preserver and put her in again next year since I love soccer so much.
But admittedly we probably spoil her and I try to find shame in this, but I can't seem to muster it up!
All in all we are all pretty healthy and I can't complain at all about how our 2009 has ended up.
Admittedly I thought I'd be a few pounds less but who doesn't??? Don't Judge me!!! I will however run my first triathlon and maybe a half marathon so maybe THEN those pesky pounds will melt away and never come back???
What!? A girl can dream?
Okay... well I've rambled enough. Happy New Year and hope you are welcoming in 2010 with a BANG. We aren't because no one has invited us to their house to party like it's 2009! Sigh...